
Right. Though lots of people STILL have problems with public photography, even though it's settled law.

There should be no need for the law, even though I knew there would be; as I had considered it too. SMH! :'(

Have you watched any of the hundreds of videos of people who know the law intentionally photographing police, military installations, etc., in order to gauge reaction?

Yes, and I have watched a number of them arrested, illegally! >:(

True, but I betcha lots of them have nice little revenue streams going ...both from Youtube, or from their law suits...

Helps pay their legal costs I suspect. Here, I see the Police helping a lot more than arresting or ticketing. :)

No one should be arrested for recording anything on a public street!

Right...those videos do TRY to shed negative light on LEOs whenever and however possible.

They should not do anything they need to worry about.

Gee don't they say the same thing when they illegally record us?

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