
sir I can never get the last word with you dog gonit you always wipe me out!

Well, tell your friend, ROFLOL! It is always to see you post, victim or not, but victim is good too! :)

Seriously; this needs to have as many people see it as possible. If people are making an informed decision, the liberals have NO chance!


sir smithlabs.. well I hope the liberals get another defeat but it doesn't look good for us does it? I haven't been following it.

Just remember, the polls projecting a Democrat win by the skin of their teeth; are the exact same polls that gave Killery a 98% chance of winning in a landslide! They are hack, and their polling in Liberally controlled districts is feces.

If they told me the sky is blue I would have to assume it was totally overcast, or the middle of the night!

I believe that they believe their own BS, and will crash and burn for it! They are spending vast amounts, but I think that the stench of past policies, followed by Record gains, will be fatal to them for many years still!

If not, I may need to speed my prepping, because we are done!

49...49...49...49...49...49...49...ARGHHH! ROFLOL!


ha! what does the rep number have to do with the democrats? you think it might be a conspiracy? lol.

You tell me, ROFLOL!


ha! well you're about to cross over to 50 and that should happen in a day or two and that's a nice milestone to reach. I see you're at 4.965 so it won't be long now.

I will need to go door to door for the last ones I am sure, ROFLOL! So I better gripe about 49 for as long as I can? Is this scale logarithmic or something?


HMmmmmmmm...Now there is an idea, ROFLOL! You think steemit has been talking to FB?

No I just saw that #%$&*(*^%$#!@number again, and was frustrated. 49...49...49...49... shazbot nanu nanu!


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