New survey shows that we no longer have representation in Washington DC!

in #informationwar5 years ago

With Congress going all in on red flag laws and gun registration for Everything; they should stop and ask what their constituents want done! This is a LOOSING direction for any politician! The most dangerous thing to do in Battle (make NO mistake this is a political Battle!) is to believe your own enlarged claims, and to make decisions based on bad assumptions!

THIS is their final goal; (Image from pixabay):
red flag flag.png
But people oppose this, in Large numbers! This is unconstitutional, and can destroy our Republic....this concentrates total power in the hands of people that have continually shown themselves to be unreliable at best; and mostly criminal, in actual point of fact!

Article on survey of voters on the red flag laws:

Their survey question was simple, and non biased, so the results are a good reflection of what the people really want done. It also had over 14,000 responders, which is enough to add weight to their analysis!
Their simple question was:

Do you support a federal "Red Flag" law that allows someone who thinks you're a threat to petition a court to have the government confiscate your guns?

Answered: 14,263
Skipped: 0

Yes 4.16% Total yes 593

No 88.26% total No votes 12,588

Not Sure 7.59% Total not sure 1,082

TOTAL votes cast 14,263

This was Done by survey monkey, and is a simple random survey; with a simple, single question.

All I have to say on this is ANY politician that votes For red flag laws; spits in the face of over 80% of his voters! THAT doesn't sound like a winning strategy to me! They have begun to believe their own bilge, and no longer have a feel for the real world! This looks like they are deliberately working to alienate their constituents....

UNLESS you read the MSM, and their "When did you stop beating your wife" questions designed to taylor the output results:

They base their survey results on 7% of the respondents of the survey monkey survey, so their accuracy is pitiful. They say:

The survey of 1,009 adults across the country was conducted by the APM Research Lab with the public radio reporting collaboration Guns in America and with Call to Mind, an American Public Media initiative focused around mental health.

Because of the timing of the poll, AMP Research Lab said its results were not influenced by the Ohio and Texas shootings or by politicians’ calls afterward to pass red flag laws.

Thirteen percent of respondents were “strongly opposed” to extreme risk protection orders initiated by family members, and 14 percent were strongly opposed to orders initiated by police, the survey found.

Support for red flag laws was high across political party lines, with 85 percent of Democrats, 76 percent of independents and 70 percent of Republicans backing family-initiated ERPOs either strongly or somewhat.

Seventy-eight percent of Democrats, 69 percent of independents and 66 percent of Republicans indicated some degree of support for police-initiated ERPOs.

This is a perfect example of:

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Benjamin Disraeli

These MSM people groom their survey respondents, and make all the questions leading; to get the result they want! This will NOT save the politicians who vote for this crap, from voter anger, and will not keep their jobs either! This will be a ballot box blood bath of Biblical proportions; and they will Never see it coming.

Unpacking their double talk, do you notice the term "indicated some degree of support' WHERE THEY CAGE THEIR RESULTS?:

Seventy-eight percent of Democrats, 69 percent of independents and 66 percent of Republicans indicated some degree of support for police-initiated ERPOs.


Looks like we need to replace a bunch of Republicans if they go for these Red Flag laws.

ALL the RINOs for sure! I am tired of the two faced politicians in DC! These "laws" are anti-Constitutional, and Unacceptable!

We need to FIRE anyone that agrees with these, because they are violating their oaths....


Are they proposing new ones for OK?

Not that I have heard, the existing family court is bad enough because they Pretend to be following the Law. These new Red Flag laws don't even bother paying lip service to the Rule of Law!


Well it looks good to some people but they haven't heard the arguments against it that demonstrate how outrageous it can be used. I'm talking about Republicans, the dems probably understand it completely.

This is an instrument of total focus of power to Evil people at the top! With these they will ultimately wield totalitarian power over the entire World....

Satan bets high!


True, then the antichrist can step in and rule everything.

Yes, he will for a time, THAT is why you need to be in the country! Evil begins to stalk the World, SMH


I’m not surprised... google “dual citizenship Congress” then you can see who is pulling the strings

Posted using Partiko iOS

You're right, but it is Easier than that...Satan is pulling all of the strings!


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