I got in a nice Ruby gemstone today, and it is pretty!

in #blog3 years ago

I have tried to reduce the number of stones I purchase, So I can concentrate on the homestead upgrades, and prepping supplies. BUT, sometimes one still jumps into my online cart! I know that the "gem" category, is not specifically for gemstones, but I like to throw a real one in from time to time anyway.

Here is one that just showed up....
This is a 15 mm square cut ruby, they claim is a natural Ruby from India. Ruby is a carborundum sapphire in red, with a mho hardness of 9; so they are resistant to wear. The only harder gemstone is diamond!

Here it is in a 1" diameter case:
This stone is Large, but I will need to run it through my optical lab first to verify if it is real or lab created! It comes from (indirectly) china, so it is very suspect.

Here it is easy to see the clarity here:
This is eye clean, but if they didn't lie to me; it will show natural imperfections under high magnification. It is actually bad if it is perfect, because it is lab created if it has Zero inclusions!

Strange that if it's perfect, it looses 95% of it's value...but I paid a little enough cash that even if it's lab created, I still made money.

I'll let you know how this testing turns out.


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