
Apologies for replying late I was busy with studies.
Makes interesting things for us to see and comfort for them so it's a win win situation:D

NOT A PROBLEM, studies are important!

I am folding in a lot of new technology on the new homestead we bought. It will be weird for sure, but I am adding all the thing I have wanted to add for years, and just could NOT do it! So I guess it will be a red neck dream home, ROFLOL!


That's true, studies are important :)

hahaha I love hearing the redneck jokes but I bet this ROFLOL you do is a lie, no one rolls over floor laughing out loud, does't anyone ? :D

Well, the belly laugh is usually in my chair, but the dachshunds love it when I get down on the floor with them. They climb all over me and we do laugh a ROFLOL for my dachshunds!


haha that's sweet, I was just teasing you sir :)
Would love to see them

They tease me too, ROFLOL! They are terribly spoiled, by my wife of course....

Willie on the left, and Lily on the right:
Daddie's crowded lap.jpg

Here is Von, he is a rescue:

Pretty enjoyable atmosphere i can feel there and all them 3 are very beautiful am sure you would be having a lot of fun with them plus the teasing thing would be cute too .
Do they not fight with each other?

They are a lot of fun! Willie and Von have fought some. Willie is 17, and the Alpha dog in charge, but Von is twice his weight and 4 years old. Willie has been hurt bad enough to need me to carry him outside, Bat later Von walked on three legs for a while. If Willie's eyesight was better, Von would have been hurt badly.

Now, the just growl when they pass one another, but the fighting has stopped.

Lilly, on the other hand, take food away from both, because she is the only girl. She gets away with a lot, because she is cute, and smart! I really enjoy the breed, they think like a kid, and not a dog, ROFLOL!


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