
Oh gosh! More power to you, brother. Have at it.

Italian and Russian Bees are very easy to work. Slow moves and no fear; and you get no stings! hey are amazing creatures! :)

Hmmm...didn't know that. Fascinating.

They will walk over your hand, and just fly off; It tickles. The hive smells kind of like lemon pledge (queen smell) some times a little cinnamon Propolis smell (strong anti biotic) and always wax. I do love the smell of an open hive! :D

What happens if you disturb the queen?

I have reached into a swarm the size of a soccer ball, and caught the queen to put her in a hive. They just follow her in. Get her in the box, with a queen excluder on front so she can't leave, and wait for her to start laying.

Once there is brood, they won't leave, and the queen excluder can go away. :)

Amazing! I would have thought they'd have gone on the violent offensive the moment you got anywhere near her.

No, that lemon pledge smell quiets them right down. I put a little lemon grass essential oils in empty hive bodies, as scout bait. It brings in swarms sometimes, and I get a free hive. :)

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