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RE: Helping a modern house breathe, while maintaining the efficiency of the air handling and conditioning system!

in #offgrid6 years ago

They told me my Son was retarded. When I had him tested , he is smart enough to join MENSA; so if a child does not fit their mold, they try to stomp them into any mold they want to fill! They make more money on special needs students, so all the misfits are channelled to special needs; to make more money!

Public school does NOT give a Damn about our children, only their income!



It's absolutely true. I'm so glad you had the sense to have your son tested. It's all about the average kid. Brilliant and challenged kids are both left to fall through the cracks. All public schools and the vast majority of private schools are the same. The whole paradigm of education needs to be scrapped for a do-over.

The schools need to be returned to local control, where the parents can monitor and direct what is to be taught to their children!

Our school system is a failure, and is only a propaganda tool now! Home school, and private school is the only chance we have left; as Public school is dead!


We desperately need an educated population. It's just that so few people understand what that means. Children need to learn how to think, not what to think. But then they'd question, and the powers that be surely don't want that.

My Son's University Professor used to call on Philip for the opposing view, during lectures. His buddy told me that Philip usually won...and sometimes the Professor actually realized it too, ROFLOL! We can only teach our own, and hope for the best!


It's a skill sorely lacking, partly because some people care only about being right and not about investigating truth.

I taught them both to think! They are smart enough that if they think, they will be fine!

They are both doing well, Philip just got back from Greece, and Jennifer will come visit me tomorrow (I hope she brings Merrick, LOL)!


That, in the end, is all anyone needs to know. Just think.

Greece sounds kinda nice.

Thinking is the only true freedom we have. Thinking clearly is a learned skill, and some people never do pick it up.

Greece is covered with muslim men sleeping on the sidewalk. He said the whole place smells of urine and worse, but the sight seeing was nice, and he got to dive in the Med, and travel to Delphi. But he was glad to get home too!


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