Good day great steemit community,It gives me joy to write whenever two words are being mentioned. These are reading and writing. Readers, writers, editors, critical thinkers and philosophers will agree with me that these words are like Siamese twins. They are inseparable because, they work together to mould, equip, pattern and sustain an individual in any field of human endeavor despite the age ,complexion, race and religion.
Reading is the process of recognizing certain word symbols (mostly printed) and associating such symbols with corresponding meanings revealed through the proper interpretation of those symbols. It forms part of the complex system of processing information between the encoder ( the writer) and the decoder (the reader). Through the reading process, certain information is communicated to the reader and this is often carried out without the aid of regular speech features like facial expression, hand demonstration, tone of voice, gestures or non- verbal features which facilitate communication in the contexts of speaking and listening.


In reading, the reader therefore communes with the writer, sharing ideas, recreating images and associating such ideas or images with his (reader's) experiences and possibilities. It is thus possible that, a careful and conscientious reader understands the writer's impression beyond what the writer present in the text being read .this involves mental ability /alertness ,focus ,determination, commitment and self consciousness in order to decipher sound ,since noise are bound either internally or externally.
In children, it entails instilling in them the habit of reading so that when they grow, they will not depart from it .This gives credence to instructions and admonition given by apostle Paul of the bible to his son,Timothy to "study to show himself approved,a work man needed not to be shame but rightly dividing the truth ".what this means is that ,Paul gave Timothy a leeway to study in order to stand out authoritatively and boldly with the knowledge acquired as a result of rigorous studying and learning.
There are some reading habit that ought to be followed in order to arrive at a positive result .These are visualizing, activating ,schema ,questioning, inferring, determining and importance. Other healthy habits. include constant reading ,reading to someone and with someone ,setting of reading goal, learning vocabulary, asking questions and using index cards.
There is a common saying that reading reduces uncertainty; watching of movies may be good but instructional text ,academic text, and novel of all genre are apt and of paramount interest since movie comes from script writing and without effective reading, one cannot write a good script perfectly and constructively .
English language teachers and lectures in both secondary schools and tertiary institutions should also encourage their students to read wide. They should not be constrained to prescribed text by the ministry or department. This will help the students to explore various texts and become a reservoirs of knowledge while also enriching themselves with vocabularies in their basket of words.
Benefit of reading brings about growth in academics and in knowledge. It helps in critical thinking, analysis and interpretation I while also proffering solutions to political, economical, psychological and marital problems.
It is against this backdrop that every reader, parent, guidance and student need to avail himself or herself with available text at a good bookshop. Nigeria will create a palpable excitement in the minds of everyone with desirable habit of reading. The bookshop with a mission of encouraging effective reading in children and adults. It has in stock books that cut- acrss all area of human endeavour
These include:Science for students, mathematics for junior and sernior students - Algebra,geometry and trigonometry, children literature, books on parenting ( behavior and development,parent guide to children), educational and research text, sociology, psychology, geography, chemistry, law and judicial proceedings,, animal science, English and literature , logic and argument, world history and encyclopedia, political science/ social studies, basic technology, catering books, medicine and pharmacy, design and hone economic, decoration/ family crafting, reading text, bibles, dictionary, hymns books, toys for children and stationeries.
In all, whether reading for enjoyment, escapism, examination or building a professional career, reading is of essence as it stands to accelerate someone to the peak thereby making him to compete favourably with his contemporaries globally.


Nice one have learnt from this.

Very captivating write up.

Keep it up..very inspiring.

Keep it up very creative post.

Ohhhhh i love this your most.

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