Can we have the the 'X-Factor' Alternative Version?
I don’t watch the X-Factor anymore. I used to, as it made me laugh when the 'first-rounders' were informed quite bluntly by Simon Cowell - 'you can't sing'.
Sometimes they would get in a huff and storm off. That doesn’t seem to happen so much now, I wonder if they told him to tone it down?
So let’s discuss the voices of the X-Factor. Sure, they sound good but can you really distinguish one voice from another? I’m referring to the voices that make it to the final EIGHT.
I don’t want to put these people down in the least, they can sing, there's no doubt about it but where have all those interesting unique vocal sounds gone?
Could you imagine an 'Alternative X-Factor’ with some additional rules?
‘Your voice must be unique enough to be discernible from everyone else’s.’
I think Andrew Eldritch, Roger Waters, John Lydon would do rather well on this show if they were not famous already.
Would Roger Waters get past this first round with his "Don’t Leave Me Now"? I think not! The sheer emotion that he puts into this song is what sends those chills down my spine and makes me listen. I’m not sure if this would count to those judges.
You may love or loathe John Lydon, the former Sex Pistols frontman but again - no chance on the X-Factor. He's out of tune, deliberately sometimes but listen to "Open Up" - Leftfield and Lydon.
He just makes this pounding beating song great and that final line with his exaggerated line 'Down, into the grooooooound' is sublime!
Could you imagine Andrew Eldritch (Sisters of Mercy) dressed in his all-black clothing auditioning in front of the judges with that crazy voice that he has? He may well scare them to death before he opens his mouth!
I know my opinions are a little crazy and warped but I think I would watch 'Alternative X-Factor’, at least it would be interesting.
This is a STEEM reprint of a post from almost 2 years ago.. - I now refuse to watch any of these shitty shows, The Voice, X-Factor or whatever else they may be called.
'The tears'... when they get through to the next round.. christ, throw me the bloody tissues so we can all sob too.

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