Just My Luck

in #life7 years ago

So today I decide to get out the house and take the motorcycle for a ride. Had a friend to call me and ask me to him at the mall to pick up some money. Of course you know I was game to go collect my cash from a previous bet we made so I was rushing to leave the house.

The ride to the mall was great, I mean the traffic was lite and the weather was perfect for riding. I arrived to the mall and meet with my buddy and we talked for a few minutes then I jumped back on the bike to head home. I was debating if I was going to get food while I was already out but decided to stop by the house first since I wanted to smoke. Arrived home and reached in my pocket to get the door keys and couldn't feel them.

Searched all my pockets and still didn't find them so I walked over to the car to check to see if I left them in there. Nope they wasn't there either. So now I'm getting frustrated because I can even get in the house nor do I know where my spare key is. Sitting here now pissed off but that's not going to help me get in the house or my car.

Sitting on the porch waiting until my cousin get off work or until my brother pull back up. I feel like a big idiot right now for losing my keys as I was second guessing myself before I left the house. Counting it as a lost and looking to get a new set of locks for the doors. As far as the car goes I guess I will cross that bridge when I find he spare key. I hope you guys day was much better than mine.



Nice post slick

Hey it will all work out just fine. Peace to the rest of your day.

Thanks friend. I'm just taking it with a smile although I want to be destructive. It's a learning experience and I will make sure this doesn't happen again as I'm getting the belt loop key chain for my keys.

I don't blame you!

There's a movie with that name. Thought that was what this post was about at first cos I really liked the movie.

sorry for being stranded in front of your own house. I soo hate that feeling

It will work out bro. Like, I know this sounds wack but look at the bullshit I went through with that stupid dam battery. makes no sense I buy a car from someone and the battery was dam near dead from day one. And who came through to help me out. You're a good dude man, blessings and good luck always comes to those people.

Man that is a pain in the arse, so as it is a day later i am wondering, Did You find The Keys?

It's an experience that you can learn throught it in my opinion mate. If you just see it from a different point of view..a more positive one. You could think that fortunately it was just keys that you lost and not a wallet or something like that! Have a nice rest of the day mate!:)

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