It's ok to be not ok

in #hooponopono7 years ago

When we find ourselves in a really bad space in life there's a tendency to suppress, bypass or avoid the pain of the circumstances we are facing. Sometimes it can become so overwhelming and unbearable that we are moved to take our own life. It is the ultimate act of running away from what could be an opportunity for catharsis, healing and expansion. Suicide is never the answer, although many have reached this tragic end. Sometimes taking our own life is completed over a longer time interval through unconscious, albeit highly destructive means. And so what we resist only persists.

It's ok to be not ok. In fact, it is here in the midst of the storm that we may seek solace in the eye, witnessing the swirling and raging currents whipping wildly and uncontrollably about our center. Guilt is pain. Unprocessed life experiences (from this lifetime and past), have a cumulative effect and ultimately manifest in the body as dis-ease. When we are not ok, we might actually make progress from an existential standpoint. It is helpful to note that our soul is on a timeless journey with an infinite number of "nows." We always get another shot at redemption and resolution, if only we are willing to embrace whatever it is we are going through.

It is truly through feeling that we experience healing. While there are palliatives available to manage pain, from pharmaceuticals to herbal medicines, it is important to leverage these only for the purpose of assisting us in the process. When we lean too heavily on medications, we will not receive the lessons of the journey, and ultimately the blessings. In any given moment, we are doing the best we can. And as we practice forgiveness, gratitude and compassion, we ascend. We have only just begun in the last few generations to awaken to who we are. Patience is a virtue as we navigate the waves upon the celestial seas. I love you.

Peace of I,


Love is coming to us all...

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