in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Dear REGULATORS of the world,
[and you know who you are]

I write to you today on behalf of the Blockchain Community to express our disappointment.

For the past century you were claiming to be protecting us misguided deplorables, by forcing us into non-investment grade, engineered financial products - all the while enriching the fund managers and merchant bankers of the world.

At the same time your unproductive organisations have grown in power and size and you have used this massive un-elected authority to destroy small business, entrepreneurship and free capital markets.

Like parasites you have sucked dry the scarce resources out of our economies, our countries and our local communities.

Well we regular folk of the world now engaged in the free Blockchain Community, stand united and state unanimously:

  1. We don't need your fiat currency and we will freely trade goods and services between ourselves as we please.

  2. We accept the risks of our investment choices and do not require your intervention or protection.

  3. If you can not back your currency by gold, silver or finite units on a distributed public ledger - know that your system is fraudulent one.

  4. You don't create wealth with a printing press - you destroy it.

Now that I have brought these facts to your attention, we kindly request you stay out of our business and we will stay out of yours.

I am... SirKnight!


Thankyou Google for the new footer


Hear, hear. Well said SK.
Sadly the parasitic banking scum won't go away easy. They've had their way fleecing us for so long they don't have an alternative business model. Expect them to double and triple down. Every piece of perceived bad news regarding crypto and PM's will be broadcast, short selling in the futures market for gold and silver will continue, stock markets will be artificially inflated, interest rates artificially held down, currency will be printed like mad to cover our national debts and BTC will be linked to terrorism and crime at every opportunity.
But eventually the market will wrestle back control and then...........
Boy oh boy, those of us considered contrarian investors will have our day. I for one can't wait. I just hope a huge global conflict isn't instigated as a cover up for the dire economic misery when it does as that has been their MO for the last century. Great post Sir Knight.

Love it Matt. Funny stuff.

My sentiments precisely! Unfortunately without control of the fruits of our labour, they (the banking elite have nothing to bet or wage war with.

very well said sir. The institutions constant promotion of their unsecured fraudulent shitcoin is a joke.
If they say bitcoin is a fraud, why are they investing and developing their own versions. Will they corrupt their own chains to print more money or will they eventually come to the same realizations that their system is wrecked.

Hear Hear!

Well said SK!

PS. You are just telling the TRUTH and tht is the most dangerous thing in todays world!

PSS. Especially Australia, our reserves could be full of GOLD.... are they?

Well, you said it!

"We don't need your fiat currency and we will freely trade goods and services between ourselves as we please."


Love it! The only problem is that none of those Tossers are on Steemit so you may have to do a hard copy and post it to

some people on here need to hear it though, and by "some" I mean "quite a lot".

Fair call.....I get where you're coming from.

Crypto gets me more and more excited everyday. Its almost like finding burried treasure on a daily / weekly basis as new decentralized technology gets developed and released. Its like watching a kid grow as your currency mature and gains more valuable.

Hearing you mate - the excitement for me is spilling over to my young kids as well. We chat about cryptos, gold and silver regularly now - sound money principles. I want to get my kids away from any thought of government pays for that and should just print money etc.


Well said Ray! SK.

waiting for more from you sirknight! keep motivating!

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