Different point of view - The simplest explanation, what the dollar is?

in #anarchism7 years ago (edited)

Mankind has always made money from precious metals, and almost all the money has always been. Is not there precious metal, no money. The amount of money is limited by the amount of metal from which they are made.

A group of bankers, with the support of William III of England also widely known as William of Orange, created the Bank of England, and it became the world's first private printing house. It means a group of people began to print and put money into circulation. The focus is on the fact that they have already printed paper money, and they, supposedly, were secured with gold, and at any moment the lord of paper pounds could exchange it for a pound of yellow metal. And in practice, bankers just started cheating, putting in circulation a lot more paper money than they had gold.

The idea was very simple, and so the other "minds" had to be destroyed, who would also decide to print money out of nothing. And all of Europe's subsequent history is a struggle for the Bank of England, more precisely, for its owners, for financial hegemony the planet.

When the United States gained independence from England, the bankers lost control of the country's financial system. And it was not until 1913 when the Federal Reserve System (FRS) was created by President Woodrow Wilson's decree. This was once again a private money-issuing center owned by the same people and the Bank of England.

And at that moment all the other money in the world was gold. But if you start tirelessly printing dollars, it can not go unnoticed. And what to do? Of course, to eliminate competitors, ie. Destroy the other golden currencies, and destroy the economies that compete with the Anglo-Saxon. Therefore, immediately after the creation of the Fed (FED), 1914 began the First World War, and in its furnace disappeared - the gold ruble and the golden German mark.

Then came the Second World War, after which, in Bretton Woods, 1944, an agreement was signed outlining the post-war world financial system. Major money became US dollars, and all world trade began to be led by dollars, and only with dollars. In essence, the dollar replaced gold. All countries had to earn dollars, and the United States just printed them, promising that every 35 dollars would be willing to pay off an ounce of gold.

But in 1973 the United States announced that the dollar no longer had any golden cover. The high standard of living in the US began to be determined only by the demand for their green currencies. And the whole world began to collect dollars, replacing the fruits of their labor with deceptive papers. And the United States - just print them.

When the number of "drawn" FED dollars became threateningly large, a system of destroying the surplus was invented. The US has begun to borrow dollars from all over the world. In exchange, they issued US Treasury bonds, called treasury.

And the number of these bonds issued on all sides of the world is, in fact, the size of the US debt, which now stands at 19.9 trillion dollars (19 955 000 000 000 $)

And that means that the United States has spent 19.9 trillion more than they have worked ... And who, then, will live better?

And how can the world be forced to continue paying for the high standard in the US ? Only in two ways: with deception and force. For the first Anglo-Saxons, the world's media is lying, under their command. And for the second servant - the most powerful army in the world (whose budget is larger than the sum of the budgets of all the other countries in the world!). But when the US debt becomes astronomically large, and their military strength decreases, temptation arises in all countries, to start playing newer rules. I.e. To make the dollar not the only world reserve currency, and add to it, at least - the yuan, the euro and the ruble.

And this is again competition. In which the United States can only survive if the world continues to buy paper - dollars and treasuries. They cease to give the US raw materials and commodities in exchange for their papers - all this pyramid will collapse.

And how can demand for dollars and treasuries stay high if it is now declining ? The answer is simple: making all other assets uninteresting and unstable. It has to be done to keep the dollar safe in the world.

And in order to achieve all this, the same ways could be used, thanks to which the dollar was at all times at Olympus in the world economy. The salvation for the dollar is war. But world war is not happening. So, the world economy must be destabilized in another way: - with chaos and revolutions.

That's what we are watching now. As they say - nothing personal, just business. Nothing personal - just dollars.

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