The scam of charity

in #charity8 years ago (edited)

Did you ever saw those people walking around with a collecting box?
Asking money for charity or for some kind of disaster?
Well here in the Netherlands they come at your door with a big smile, and then ask for small change for charity.

But i always said no, and before i can finish my sentence i get interrupted by the look in the eyes of those woman.
It's the look of......why you don't want to give money?
Don't you have small change in your pocket??
And when i see spark in there eyes, i usually stop right there and wish them a happy day.
But one day i was walking with my woman to the store and u guy stopped me in the middle of the road and said.
Mister do you please have some small change for something, what i don't remember.
Lets just say, he brought it in a way that i was forced to stop, and to listen to what he had to said.

I said to that guy, look i have to be honest with you because you seem nice honest person.
The money what people give to those charities are not going to the people who needed it.
He said, yes yes a big part of the money will goes to the project.
I said look, don't get me wrong but if you information is correct then how come the director of the charity earns more than our minister president?

And how come "charity" is also on stock exchange?

The guy looked at me like i was explaining that i saw a UFO or something.
So i continued, yes what the organizations are doing is not charity.
They use the sorrow of people to make money, and i will never ever support that, and dont take that personal.

Then he shake my hand and thanked me for that honest question.
He said, nobody ever said that to him and he walked away.
Please don't get me wrong, if i get the chance to support or help anyone, then i would do that.
But i don't see any logic in the old way of supporting charity.
Let me show you one example.
This is Haiti in 2009/2010.

And after the earthquake the Netherlands raised 120 million for Haiti.
They even share on the internet what they would do with the money.

They share the results of the funds raising big time in the media.
As you can see here.

But then a year the same counting room who figured out where the money must go, can't trace where the money was going??

And it gets worse, because there is also the Clinton foundation who raise money for the people of Haiti.
But the word is, that the money is not for Haiti and more for the Clinton's.

And that was not unnoticed for the world, we can't raise millions and see the same situation in Haiti.

That leaded to that people start asking questions.

I mean we are intelligent right?
Let's say someone in another country need help.
Then why on earth we need to raise money to pay a director a 300.000 salary and let the charity go to the stock exchange, to help the victim?
They even lost millions on the stock market!!

From my point of view, this is insane and the thought that some people, are making money on the sorrow and grief and lost from another human being, make me sick.
To me that is twisted, evil and should be stopped.
And the only reason that this is happening,is because the citizen are not organized with each other.
We let us organized by organizations or government, and that should stop.
It wound stop when we replace people in the organization, because the problem is the organization.

I mean, if we the Netherlands collect 120 million euros for Haiti and only 41 get spended for help.
Then that system simply don't work.
They don't need 79 million to organized the help.
That is nonsense.

Just think about it, you get 79 million to set up an organization, to help people for the 41 million???
This is robbing the money of the people who never received the money in the first place.

There for i don't see any logic with supporting any type of charity from a big organization.
Your money will go straight into the salary of someone , who will take two third of the money, what many people had given for the victims.
This should be stopped asap if you ask me, it is useless.

But i saw another way, what might be more effective.
My woman is Cambodian, and sometimes she shows me videos.
Videos of Cambodian tourist, who film someone and then explain his situation and then ask for support.
They share a number of that person, with the goal that anyone who is watching the video, can help that support.
And that money will go straight into the hands of the person who needed help.
Here is no bank, and no company or state between it.
And that leads to that any euro someone had sent to that person, might get in good hands.

So, if you have the heart to support a fellow human being, then don't do that because you have seen something in the media, or after a disaster.
Just take control in your own hands, and see what you can do with the possibilities you have, or accept the fact that we can't help everyone in the world. Unless the people worldwide unite and organized with each other, to think about other ways to support each other.
Because the old way what we are used of, is not working for the victims, and is only working for the elites.
Next time when you see someone with a collecting box asking for money, then tell this story above here and make a snapshot of his or her face. :)

But i know the future could easily change, because an automatic way is cheaper.
I mean if it cost millions to deliver millions, then we might as well create an automatic system, who organized all this.
This is just my out of the box thought ,so don't shoot me for this.
But i worked in the ICT, and i know almost every program can be created.
So, a program what is connected to a bank account, to accept money.
And the software is paying who is needed to paid, then we don't loose money on the stock market or to a company director.

That would save millions of dollars and that could help millions of people, but now we only help the rich get richer and the poor get used and abused.
I think its time for a change, because now charity is just like a war.
It's setup and organised to make money with it,like a business and the citizen must paid the price.
Follow me if you like me post!


You're right. The misallocation of donations is horrible. And some organizations that claim to be charities never help others at all. Goodwill is an excellent example of a business that profits from the illusion of being a charity.
I was in Haiti last fall. You can read my series on my ideas of how to help there in my blog, if you're interested.
What you say is very apparent when there. It's hard to believe that so much money was donated when you're there. It's quite apparent that many got wealthy from the suffering of a people that was already impoverished. What help did come was good for the moment, but often superficial as well. Almost all of it was myopic.
When we give through an organization it loses the personal touch. This is doubly so when it's through the state. IMO, our charitable efforts are far more effective and rewarding when they are personal and relational - at least through someone they know they can trust.

Thank you for the comment, i will takes a look at your blog.
It is very interesting to see someone who was there, to share his point of view.

And the question i wounder is, what could be a good system to deliver help to the people who need it?
Because now its more like this.
Someone said, hey we need support for this case.
And if they get for example 10 euro, then 6.5 euro is for them and the rest of the money goes to the victims.
That don't make sense if you ask me.
Then organizations make money because of the lost and sorrow of other human beings, that is very evil and insane and should be stopped asap.

And i think a local funds raising program what is connected to a a social site like Steem, would bring the situation of people more together and then we could help more effectively.
This is a concept what me and my woman have in mind for the Cambodian farmers.

Thanks for your response. There are some very real challenges in making things happen and doing it equitably, aren't there?

I agree that too much of what's donated is misallocated, often for greedy purposes. The Clinton Foundation is famous for doing just that. But there are some that require their workers to raise their own support.

I'm curious how your perspective works out for folks who want to help and are both physically capable and have the skills to make an impact, but can't afford to do anything.

What if someone really wants to make a difference for people, and has the skills, but doesn't have the finances to do it? Should they pursue it and ask others to help? Would it be wrong for them to receive an income from the donations while doing so?


Wow really nice post Sinzzer!

Yep, its probably the best scam out there. Relying on the emotions of a few gullible people who just want to help is priceless. They dont call them con artists for nothing, and they have mastered this art very well.

I never give to charities that are very pushy, i smell a scam there every time. I remember they used to come to our old workplace to ask money for some orphans, and they showed us pictures and stuff like that. They seemed like very pushy, but they didnt even give an address where the orhphans were or any substantial details about their organization, for what i can tell they could have printed up some google pictures of kids, so I instantly smelled a scam there. My colleagues looked at me as if I were a cheap schmuck that doesnt help people, but lemme tell you, i dont really like scammers.

If I want to donate, I do, but only on my terms, these charity scams are really annoying.

To me it was a suprise to hear that charity are on the stock exchange.
And they even lost milions in there!!
To me that is fraud, and should be stopped asap.
I mean i never hear someone sayd....

Hello goodmorning.
DO you have some money to paid the 200000 salary of our CEO, and other workers.
Than they can spend one third of your money to the victims of the cancer......
And the rest of the money we use it in stock exchance.

Then atleast they are honest!
If you ask me, we cant help the hole world but if you want to help, then a smile , a hand, a yes or your attention around you, is more then good enough to create a better world for you and me.

Excellent article, Sinnzer! I also enjoyed reading your previous one, the Black Pete and St. Nicolas story. :)

Thank you Chhaylin!
This feedback motivate me to continue!

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