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in #curie8 years ago (edited)

This is basically the problem in a nutshell of our education system, they created one system and demands that everyone must reach the top of the tree. Even if you are a fish. The education system don't make sense at all, it look more like this.

Yeah it's good that children learn how to read, write, history, grammar and science.
Yep that is all good. But that is only half of the concept of the teachings what kids should know.
The other half get forced on children in some way, that the parents have no idea that they do that.

You ever wounder why kids must go to gym every week?
Or eat fruit and vegetables?
Or that every semester kids get a school record or mark list with points?

Basically because they want to activate the reward system in the brains of the children.
Then from the chemical reaction ,the kids would be more focused, sharper and get more energy to succeed.
So, they are not explaining to the kids about the reward system in our brain, and just use the education concept to activate the reward system, to "improve" the kids.

The only problem is, they created a system that everyone needs to climb a tree, while some people are like a dog or an elephant. Not everyone got wings to reach to the top.

And this is a huge problem if you ask me, because the ignorance regard the reward system could lead to many problems in the future. People could get addicted, depressed, anorexia or even try to kill them self.

That is mostly because they don't have any idea how to remove the negative energy in there body, to replace that with a better feeling. So, the only solution many people could think of is going to a doctor, and he will give medicines and then the ignorant person is changed into a patient, and from a patient into a addictive person.

Iv seen many people in my life who got depressed by anything, and don't have the energy to move on.
And when i see those people, i want to explain them what i know but when i start talking, they look like am talking about UFO's.

Those conversations always Leeds to a dead end, because many people don't accept a theory, and see there conditions as something, what came on to them. Than it is not there fault, is there point of view.

For example, there is someone real close in my area, who lives for more than 20 years in a nursery home for mental people. He said that they help him and they give him medicines and they are good to him.
And when he said all these things, i look at him with a sad face, because i see that he don't have a clue what he is talking about.

He don't know that the nursery home get money from the state to take care of him.
He don't know that health care is making money from the medicines, and he don't know that they want to keep patients like that, to keep earning money. And on the moment i want to explain all these things, he interrupt my talk and get angry. And i saw that with many people unfortunately.

I saw many people depressed, or have a burnout or don't know what to do in life.
Il bet even here on Steemit, there are people breaking there minds creating a post.
Because they want to earn money, to create a better life in there situation.

And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with improving your situation. But if you don't start with the basics, then every failure could lead to a devastating end or a change of heart.

And i personally think that the education system is responsible for that, because if the focus was on the mechanism in our brains, then people could have learned how to control the energy in there body, or could even train them self to be more creative. I mean if the focus on school would be on ... the reward system.....the fight and flee system... and the placebo effect.

Then am sure our society would be a complete other ball game.
Now i look around and feel like am living in a matrix, where knowledge is the red pill to escape the matrix. But the problem is, many people have learned to use there believe system in a way, that they can believe anything without any proof. That also mean, that they can dismiss a story or concept if they don't see proof.

So if i would start with someone and say, look you could raise the energy in your body and control who you are and decide if you want to be superman or not. Then they look at me, like i am explaining a scene of Startrek, and this is mostly the case.

While i am convinced that everyone could learn, how the systems in our brains work and use them for their own good. That is the reason i write this post, because here on Steemit people are busy, with creating quality original content to share with everyone. And by using the knowledge over the systems in our brains, then anyone can benefit from them and use them in a positive way.

What i honestly think is , what you or me feel is a direct result of the interpretation of your state of mind.
By raising the intelligence of your brain, then the interpretation of the reality will change.
And the only reason why we don't learn about the systems in our brains, is because they are using the knowledge against us. That is to control the masses, by keeping them ignorant about the most important subjects of who we are as a human being.

Because those three systems are the most important systems in our life, they latterly can control our life if you don't know how they work. So, il explain the systems and explain how you can use them to be more creative with what ever you want to do, or learn others to be more creative............

And the first thing you must do, is been more consciousness with your thoughts.
You can control some thoughts, but not every thought. The key is to ignore the thoughts who are not usefell, and the more you are doing that, the more you will get better in ignoring other thoughts.

And while you do that, you also must use one of the system called the placebo effect.
That works by believing in yourself that you can control your thoughts. Don't you ever think or say to yourself, that you can't do it, because then the placebo effect will also work the other way around.

There for the power of the placebo effect is in our belief system, you need to becarefull with what you think.
Because you will get what you wish, that is the concept from all those kid cartoons of a Genie in a bottle.
There is no genie in the bottle, the genie is within you and me and in everyone else.
The point is, you need to learn how to use the genie , and that start with the control of your thoughts.

The next step to do is to understand how the flight and flee system works, the fight and flee system don't have eyes to see or an intelligent mind. It is a reaction of our right brain what works like a magnet and react on every kind of information you see, or interpret ate. That means if you hear something on school, or at work, or on the news or anything really, then it will activates the flight or flee system.

It let the body chose to flee or flight, that completely depends on the situation.
And let say, you have a lot of bills, you see negative things in the news, or you have an argument....
Then the flight and flee system is responsible for your blood to raise, and your heart to beat faster.

Now imagine then you hear drama and news the hole day long, or you are in a very negative situation? Then your body will go the hole time in a flight and flee system, what means that the blood in your body is non stop working to handle the flight or flee reaction.

Your heart will pump faster and your blood start to cook, and if you live like this every day, then the next step would be some kind of sickness. This is how depress people get heart problems or skin allergy and all those things. And on the same time many people don't even know what the flight and flee system is. There for it is needed to understand the basic and that start with your thoughts, you need to learn how to control your thoughts.

So,the steps are to understand how the placebo affect work, and that you chose wisely what to think.
And the following step is to understand the knowledge about the flight and flee system, because it can be activated by what you see, hear,smell or interpret ate. And when you learn how to control your thoughts, then you can bypass the flight and flee system and take control over your body.

Because the reactions of the flight and flee system will only last 10 seconds.
That is the reason people say....count to 10 when you get angry....

Ok you follow me so far? Because there is one system left.
So, now i talked about how to control your thoughts, and about how to use that with two systems in our brain. And now i will talk about how to put in the third system, and combine everything within each other.

Ok... after you managed to by pass the flight and flee system, then there is nothing what could influence your mind in a negative way.
And then you can use your mind to activate the reward system.
That can be activated by creating goals and finish them, you can start with being consciously aware with every choice you need to make.

Like for example, if you want coffee, then make a goal to make coffee.
If you want to walk with the dog, make a goal that you want to walk with the dog.
And do this with every choice you need to do in life and after you finished your goal, then you wil get rewarded for it in your brain. And a chemical reaction will occur, what will release dopamine.

Because of dopamine you will get more energy, you will be more happy, more creative.
You can also raise dopamine by eating more fruits and vegetables, and by running, walking or moving for 30 minutes every day, or by having good sex is also a good way.

The best thing to do, is to do everything all together and simply take control over your life and take it in control.And this is how anyone can be more creative and improve them self in every way.
So, if you ask me ,then this is the science behind the words of the buddha....

And i hope that this post can enlighten some thoughts, that it is time to take control of your life and chose for the red pill. Leave the blue ( believe in illusion ) one for the past and lead yourself to the future you want, and spam Steemit with original quality content created by your own brilliant peace of mind!
Cheers and good luck and thanks for reading!!
If you like my post, then feel free to resteem, upvote or follow me!
Thanks for reading! @Sinzzer


Brilliant and spot on upvoted.

Thank you for the feedback!!

I thank you all, for the upvotes and feedback!!
I reached my goal!
Dopamine!!!!! :)

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