Selfish vs Self love?

in #love6 years ago


As a more reserved, introverted person existing in an extrovert-crazed world, this can be something challenging to deal with. You have to figure out the balance between giving to others and giving to yourself and the latter can be pretty difficult.

Society has conditioned us all to believe that giving more than you get is a Godly thing. If you sacrifice yourself and put others first you are considered as a “good person”. If you choose to take care of yourself and do more for yourself than for other people you are considered a selfish or “bad person. One thing we never question is the difference between self love and selfishness. Some of the biggest contributors to this confusion and, quite honestly, imprisonment is religion, education and family.

I consider myself a Christian, more specifically, a spiritual Christian. Now I know you’re either rolling your eyes or you think that I’m a little bit blasphemous. I personally believe that religion was constructed to have us follow a law, making it it easier to police what the masses do and to have control. Who has this control? That’s up to you to decide. Christianity itself is meant to be a way of living, to make you free, make life more enjoyable and to let you live in abundance. Unfortunately, we do not get taught this by individuals and institutions that have distorted the Bible for their own benefit. Christianity is now a form of imprisonment where it is seen as “Holy” to sacrifice your joy and freedom. God is love but religion is not.

I am a firm believer in education. Life is full of endless learning (or creating for those enlightened beings). When I talk about imprisonment through education I am merely talking about the education systems that exist in the world. We all go to school and are forced from a very young age to behave in a certain manner, think in a certain way, be good and follow orders but still be highly extroverted, social and fun. If you go against any of these mentioned traits you are labelled as “bad”, “rebellious” or even a “loner” (which I do not think is such a bad thing). I firmly believe that human beings were created to be different from one another. We were made “in the likeness and image of God” meaning that God is experiencing Himself in many different ways. Going through school system causes you to suppress who and what you naturally are through teaching and learning that replicates the production of canned food in a factory.

Family is the most sensitive of all. We are all taught that family is the most important thing in the world and, believe or not, I agree with that. But, what if your family is detrimental to your mental, psychological and emotional health? Is it right for you to cut them out of your life if they are like energy vampires towards you? A lot of people are looked down upon for letting a family member that is an alcoholic, a drug addict or a narcissist go but how much must you be willing to endure. This one is a very difficult one but I still believe that you must take care of yourself, whatever that means in the context of your situation.


These are some of the few factors that interfere with a healthy relationship with yourself. As a reserved, introverted and empathetic person I often find myself doing a lot for other people because I have been told my whole life (by religion, education and family) that I am a “good person” because I am quiet, diligent, kind and helpful. Lately I have started realizing that having all these traits is exhausting and unfulfilling because I do what is expected of me in order to uphold these “compliments”. I have resorted to stepping back (in my case, only momentarily) but I have been met with disapproving stares and words such as “why do you like spending time alone?”, “why are you being so quiet” or “you are selfish”.

I believe that the difference between self love and selfishness is the source. With self love, you depend on yourself to take care of your own inner world. With selfishness, you depend on other people and external circumstances to take care of your inner world. Unfortunately, we live in a world where the latter is the reality for the majority and I have found myself taking care of a lot of people that think that I am the source of the happiness and peace. This makes me a target for blame when these other people are unhappy with themselves.

Removing yourself, temporarily or permanently, from situations that do not serve you is a power move. It is a form of showing yourself some respect. If someone drains your energy we should have the right to say “no, thank you” and move on regardless of what you have been brought up to believe. If each person on this planet was responsible for their own mental and emotional wellbeing (which we all are but have been conditioned to think otherwise), the world would truly become a better place.

It has become an expectation for me to do the giving and for others to do the taking but surely, at some point, there will be nothing left to give. What is the saying? “You cannot pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first”.


Wonderful. It does not pay to be selfish

No, it does not

You nailed it @sinohlubi... I use to be like actually still am but through been punch in the mouth I've learned that I come first.

With self love, you depend on yourself to take care of your own inner world.

Well stated, when the inner world is taken care of, the outer world takes care of itself.
It doesn't matter if most don't get it or call you whatever they want to call you... You come first.

Thanks for reading @micscrypt. You really do need to find that balance between your inner world and outer world so that you can truly be happy.


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@sinohlubi, I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!

Thank you in advance!

Christianity itself is meant to be a way of living, to make you free, make life more enjoyable and to let you live in abundance. Unfortunately, we do not get taught this by individuals and institutions that have distorted the Bible for their own benefit. Christianity is now a form of imprisonment where it is seen as “Holy” to sacrifice your joy and freedom. God is love but religion is not.

Thanks for understanding this. I have friends and family that do not care to see this reality - I have faith still that there are people out there that can distinguish the difference between the ethical, personal freedom of Christianity and the chains of structured control and scare tactics.

Everyone deserves love, from others and from themselves. Self love means lots of things to lots of different people, but no matter what it is, everyone should practice it from time to time. Those who don't get out of touch with themselves, and therefore the world.

Thanks for reading this @k0wsk1. This is something that took me a while to realise because no matter how much i tried to follow the rules, what I was learning externally was not matching my own experience nor my feelings. A lot of people do not see this reality because what we are taught (the control and scare tactics) makes us blind. It takes a lot of questioning to look beyond. Only then can you truly and wholly start a healthy relationship with yourself.

It takes a lot of questioning to look beyond.

It does indeed, and good on you for having the courage. Never stop questioning, that's a damn good habit you have :)

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