Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Week 3 | Blockchain Projects: by @imagen

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)
Hello Steemit Crypto Academy,

I was very excited when I first read this assignment. I must do this homework, and it does not matter whether my project is actual or not. I will only learn the steps of a blockchain project. I want like to thank Professor @imagen for sharing this topic. I thought a lot about what my project would be. I am researching the energy sector, and I wanted my project to be related to energy. Now I will give you information about Prosumer Chain project.


White Paper

The information on this White Paper can be changed or updated by the Prosumer Chain. “White Paper” is a user manual that we developed to support our customers.


Table of Contents
I. White Paper
II. Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. What is Prosumer Chain?
3. Historical Background
4. Mission and Vission
5. Team
6. Benefit
7. Prosumer Chain’s Roadmap
8. Conclusion


1. Introduction
The consumption of renewable energy is gradually increasing. Renewable energy sources are replacing fossil fuels. With the revolution in renewable energy, a separate course began in technology. The emergence of blockchain technology in 2008 created a process. Over time, it became clear that this technology could be applicable in many industries. The energy sector is one of these sectors. It turns out that blockchain technology has the potential to reshape the electricity market. A decentralized demand for trading electricity has begun to be created thanks to blockchain technology instead of the traditional central electricity market. With Prosumer Chain technology, you can have the opportunity to both consume and sell the electricity you produce.


2. What is Prosumer Chain?

Prosumer Chain established to provide convenience for the developing electricity markets in 2016. First of all, it serves Istanbul, the most populous city in Turkey. Consumers who generate their electricity needs with renewable energy will upload their data to the system thanks to the Prosumer Chain. Prosumer is a consumer who becomes produce for their own needs. In this way, our customers, who upload their data to the system, will monitor every kilowatt of energy in the design and trade the generated power. As a result, our customers will contribute to the development and trade of renewable energy.

Prosumer Chain's Logo

Electric Power Trading with Prosumer Chain
Electricity trade and tracking in our company take place through interaction between consumers and prosumers. In this context, our company undertakes a critical task to facilitate electricity trade from peer to peer. Hence, peer-to-peer energy trading would be an ideal platform for market participants. Consumers can earn income by selling their surplus production in the open market. Peer-to-peer energy trade will allow people to use local produce and buy and sell electricity directly from each other. This technology will create a fair market that enables people to choose from whom and how much to buy the generated electricity.
In addition, they contribute positively to the environment since they generate electricity from renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.). Most importantly, by offering the opportunity of electricity trading with blockchain technology, we can build trust among consumers, prosumers, and other interested organizations.


It is straightforward to log in and become a member of our system. Consumers and Consumers only need to register to trade electricity on the platform. There is separate technical information (meter information, total annual production, and consumption data) for each region of Istanbul in our system. We are working on the infrastructure to serve in the different areas in the future.
The way our platform works is also not complicated. Prosumers will sell the excess energy produced by the consumers out of their needs will be sold through this trading platform. We share the amount of energy transferred to our system, the type of production, and price information publicly. While prosumers upload this information, consumers can place a purchase order to purchase electricity. For trading electricity, the platform will match prosumers with consumers.
The data stored in blocks and compound the verified blocks with other verified blocks. As a result, the transactions approve between the relevant parties, and the revenue generated will be updated in their wallet. Prosumer Chain carries out its activities by all legal regulations. Our peer-to-peer energy trade runs smoothly with the regulatory framework.

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: Prosumer Chain
Steemit: @prosumerchain
Twitter: @prosumerchain
Instagram: prosumerchain

3. Historical Background
Prosumer Chain established in Istanbul in 2016. Our company purpose is to promote the consumption of renewable energy in the most crowded city of Turkey. In the same year, we published our White Paper. We expanded our portfolio between 2017-2020. We had new customers every year. In addition, there was an increase in Istanbul's electricity generated from renewable energy. At the beginning of 2021, we managed to operate in all districts of Istanbul.

4. Mission and Vision
Our mission is to increase the use of electricity generated from renewable energy to consumers. By establishing a market-oriented platform, it is to enable users to trade electricity without being tied to a center.
Our vision is to provide consumers and prosumers with more choices in renewable energy sources and blockchain technology.

5. Team
The names written below are fiction.
Executive Chairman& Founder: Selma Koçak
Technical Director: Taner Bayıroğlu
Energy Leader: Katy Smith
Advisor: Kerem Abalı
Software Lead: Mutlu Yılmaz
Business Development: Jonah Friedman
Sales Executive: Büşra Koçak
HR Manager: Selim Varlı

6. Benefit
We find most beneficial about Prosumer Chain to help people learn about both renewable energy and blockchain technology. The data show us that we have progressed confidently towards our goals since the day we founded.

7. Prosumer Chain's Roadmap
Prosumer Chain's roadmap is between the third quarter of 2021 and the year 2024.


2021Q3: Obtaining permission to operate in other major cities in Turkey. In addition, to increase the budget allocated for our company's promotional advertisements.
2021Q4: Negotiate with companies engaged in similar activities in European countries and introduce our company.
2022Q1: Opening our second office in the province of Van. Van province is one of the sunniest provinces in Turkey.
2022Q2: Open the third office in Germany.
2022Q3: Organize conferences in universities to explain renewable energy and blockchain technology.
2022Q4: Start negotiations with African countries. To introduce this technology to African countries that have the least access to electricity. To establish collaborations with essential energy companies in the region.
2023: To start operating in at least 20 cities in Turkey. In addition, to accelerate our activities in the European and Middle Eastern market.
2024: To be one of the leading companies using renewable energy and blockchain technology. To make the African and Middle Eastern markets aware of this issue.


8. Conclusion
Interest in blockchain technology continues to increase day by day. In addition, the use of renewable energy is increasing. Prosumer Chain, bringing these two sectors together, was established to provide quality service to its customers. We support prosumers with peer to peer energy trading. We are pioneering the development of new commercial platforms as an alternative to traditional trade.
I want to thank Professor @imagen for allowing us to study this topic.



Hola @sinerjii

Gracias por participar en la Academia Cripto de Steemit.

Buen proyecto, me gustó el objetivo y el concepto.

Éxitos en tus próximas tareas.

Calificación: 8

Thank you so much Professor @imagen. Best Regards.

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