Just Another Day of my Life!

in #life7 years ago

What a relaxing day!

Besides a little tummy cramps, today has turned out to be a perfect Thursday for me...
No school, no work, my pup and a cozy blanket.

Around this time is typically stressful for high school kids, well at my school it is. Many people are finalizing culminating assignments, getting ready for the next semester, but mostly studying for the dreaded exams. Most exams have started today but luckily I only have to complete 2 instead of 4 because I was able to find my way into co-op this semester! :D SOOOO that means laying around in my PJ's while others are doing their exams.

Quote from Pinterest.

Some reason for me school seems to always feel stressful. Although I have high grades and not much trouble at school, I always wish that I didn't have to get up every morning just to sit at a desk. DON'T GET ME WRONG, I am so fortunate to have access to education and I do enjoy learning but I don't understand how I need to know how to find sources from 1975 online or how to do trigonometry with out a calculator (especially if I am just getting a sheet of answers to look off of). We are taught to meet the perfect standards of our teachers just to get the highest marks. I personally feel that I am more focused on getting the best grade I can, instead of learning as much as I can. As of now I have a perfect mark in math, meanwhile, I don't even remember what we did at the start of the year!!!

Besides the stress of school work, I do like how high school allows us to explore different subjects but what if we are not interested or if we already have an idea of a future career choice we are interested in? We still must take these courses and stress over both meeting the expectations put onto us and trying to focus on something we are not passionate about.

Anyways... just my thoughts for today. Thank you for taking your time to read this :)


You are a very smart kitto, Squido. All the hard work will pay off down the road. Donut worry :)

Thank you @thehappycamper! I appreciate the encouragement!

You are so smart... like seriously! Wise beyond your age kiddo! I have a feeling your going places in life 😏

lol what a cutie omg :D give your pup some scratches for me !

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