Governance of Tron Ecosystem - Crypto Academy / S4W7 - Homework post for [yohan2on]

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)
Hi guys,
I am delighted to be here as well. I want to specially welcome you all to the week 7 of the academy. Today I will be attempting the assignment given by the professor @yohan2on on the topic Governance of Tron Ecosystem, let's get started.



Who are Super Representatives, SR partners and SR candidates? (The Governance of the TRON Ecosystem)


In Tron network, those who are responsible to produce blocks and transaction packing are those that we refer to as Super Roresentatives. Decisions as regarding changes in the Tron ecosystem are mainly the work of the Super Representatives. This means that if the ecosystem dim it fit to make some changes, it is the duty of the super representative to make the plans and effect the change.

It is important to mention here that the super representatives is usually rewarded with 16 TRX each time a block is produce. In the Tron ecosystem, the first too 27 candidates are known as super representative, and from the number 28 to 127, those found in this category are known as super representative partners. More also, from number 128 and above, the people found in this group are known as super representative candidates.

Furthermore, a total of 160 TRX is always shared between super representatives (SR). This is given to the first 127 people found on the top in the Tron ecosystem and this is done each time a block is produce. In conclusion, the total reward gotten by the super representatives in the Tron ecosystem is the sum of block rewards and voting rewards.

To further clarify ourselves, those we call as the Super Representative Partners are those who are not found between 1-27. These persons are ranged from 28-127. This group of persons are also involved in the decision making concerning any change in the Tron ecosystem.

When we talk about the Super Representative Candidates we are referring to the people from 1-127 I.e it consist of the super representatives I.e 27 in number and the super representative partner I.e from 28-127. This group of people as I earlier said earn a reward none as candidate reward or block reward.


What’s the difference between DPOS and POS consensus mechanisms?


DPos which stands for delegated proof of stake and PoS which stands for proof of stake are both consensus algorithms that are used by different blockchians to validate their transactions. For a transaction to be recorded as a valid transactions, it has to be validated using either of these consensus algorithm.


In this type of consensus algorithm, it is based on the amount which a holder of they said coin is holding. Now in a particular ecosystem, there are people who holds higher than others and those who hold higher coins of the platform constitute people who make decisions in the ecosystem. So the higher your coin that you are holding, the more you have the privilege to validate a block.


Here in this type of consensus algorithm, it's the duty of the system to select a candidate who have meet the requirement to validate a block. This means that there will be a list of candidates that are qualified but the system will be the one to select. Here, they are selected based on the number of vote casted for them by the witness.

Let's consider more difference between DPOS and POS in a tabular form below.

This type of consensus algorithm takes very little time to validate a transactionThis type of consensus algorithm takes very much time to validate a transaction
Selection of validators of transactions here are based on votingSelection of validators of transactions here are based on number of coins which the trader is holding.
Hacking of this type of block chain is difficult due to the security attach.Hacking of this type of block chain is much easier.
All participant involves in the consensus algorithm are also members of the governing counsel.Here governance is in the hand of a selected individuals.
Due to the requirement of less hardware material, this consensus algorithm is found to be more efficient.Due to the requirement of much hardware material, this consensus algorithm is found to be less efficient.
Validators of transactions can be voted out of the system due to one reason or the other.Here, validators can not be voted out as long as they still hold high volume of the coin that meets the requirement.


Write a detailed Step by Step tutorial showcasing how to stake/freeze TRX and vote for SRs


Below is a step by step tutorial showcasing how to stake/freeze TRX.

Step 1: Lunch your Tronlink app on your device.

Step 2: Click on freeze.


Step 3: Enter the amount of Tron you want to freeze, in my case I entered 20 Trx


Step 4: Click on the freeze button


Step 5: Click on the confirmations button if you are certain about the transactions.

Step 6: Enter your password in the password dialogue box that comes out


Step 7: Confirm your transaction of 20TRX that have been frozen.


Below is a step by step tutorial showcasing how to vote for the SRs.

Step 1: Lunch your Tronlink app on your device.

Step 2: Click on vote


Step 3: Select Super Representative candidate you wish to vote for.


Step 4: Click on the vote button


Step 5: Enter the quantity of vote you wish to give the SR.


Step 6: Click on confirm button

Step 7: Enter your password.


Click to see your vote




The governance of the Tron ecosystem lecture delivered by you sir @yohan2on is really an interesting one. From this lecture I have learnt that the super representatives in the tron ecosystem are part of people who are responsible for making decision in the Tron ecosystem. It is important to mention here that anyone can also be eligible to become a super representative as long as you meet the minimum requirement of the Tron ecosystem. Thank you professor @yohan2on for such an insightful lecture.


Hi @simonnwigwe

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

Rating criteriaScores
Quality of presentation1/1.5
Compliance with topic1.5/1.5
Clarity of language1.5/2
Quality of analysis1/2
Grand total7

Total| 7/10

This is good work. Thanks for taking the time to learn about the Governance of the Tron ecosystem.

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks professor @yohan2on but from my calculations my rating should be 8 but you recorded 7. Please review and correct.

 3 years ago 

@yohan2on please my grade should be 8 according to your grading but you recorded 7. Please check and correct.

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