Daily Steem Price Update 7/8/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit2 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 7/8/2022.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 5 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 7/8/2022.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate07082022.jpg


Here we are at the holidaying month of August and its being another summer with decent weather. It's supposedly a happier time after the crippling covid pandemic but many can't agree because there is still a war still going on. It's a terrible moment in our history as Vladimir's army doesn't stall at boarders, they instead strike fear, call treats and cast sadness into the lives of many with this war.. a war that if we are not too careful could just be what spells the beginning of the end, best keep an eye on those politicians and refuse war at all costs. As for Steem after the previous fix on Steemit.com I however don't think everything was fixed like in the Bittrex case "their Steem Wallet still being down" also the sites steemd.com and steemnow.com are also not functional. Are these sites in the hands of the SteemitTeam? If anybody as any information on this let me know it the comments to win a upvote from me. But seems like most of the other issues have been settled as it's annoying to constantly see Hive working perfectly fine on many of these fronts with Steem on the other hand always being taken on and off. Why is this?❓ We need to know what we can do to keep such issues to a minimum as this makes Steem lose out on buyers and is money loss for traders. On July 6th most trade issues were functioning again, however on July 17th I did notice you couldn't trade Steem for BTC again, as usual with Hive no problem. I had to contact support at one point to get my Steem order completed they explained that the Steem would be sent after the problem with Steem's liquidity provider is fixed. I think this as something to do with Steem itself and not the exchange?❓ I can't remember and so if anybody can confirm and explain this in the comments below you could win a upvote from me. It would be useful if the Steemit Team could warn us of such events or keeps us informed on the situation in future or have someone appointed to give us feedback, as these problems can cause confusion or money loss for both investors and the value of the Steem coin itself.

As for crypto Steem took a big fall because of the bitcoin downwave from 60k, this sadly means it also took down with it the value of SBD's. This was expected but as still been mostly holding around that important $3 mark which is great. Seeing all that cheap Steem out there for grabs as been catching my attention and so I continue to look at it as another situation for opportunity because I'd say if your looking to get more Steem this might still just be the best time for doing so. And that's what I like about Steem it still offers so much opportunity for investors, with other coins you'd need a lot more cash. It will be interesting to see what happens next with BTC as it even fell below the 20k mark at one point, surely that was the bottom. In one way I hope this continues to stay on the lower end for a while longer before another bullrun as like this it could offer some opportunities in future for my little invested crypto. However it's definitely been going upwards lately but I still think I will probably delve some more earnings into this risky game with the little that I can afford. But the end intensions of this trading will be to get a bit more Steem. The weather in August is not as hot compared to July but at night its seems strangely more muggy then during the day, I thought it was just me but other people I spoke with also seem to agree with me. July 31th was the last time it rained, that's if you count under 5 mins of light rain. June 2nd is when it began to get hot which triggered my hayfever, however the symptoms have been on and off and "mostly minor" which I'm very pleased about. As for today I was in work for the morning shift, when I got in I was surprised again to see that we had extra staff in, but saying that this is sometimes more normal to have on a Sunday for the time I arrived. This morning was also one of the only times I raced to get into work. No not because I couldn't wait to work but I saw a colleague in the distance and these past few mornings I got there seconds just before her, so as we saw each other we quickly picked up the pace. Lol she was already ahead of my so it was likely she would of won which she did. For Sunday I admit it was relatively quiet and with no extra work for later it was good.

Yesterday I was still tired from going to sleep so late and didn't have the energy needed for all the things I would need to prepare for in the first couple hours. However I was in luck as I was surprised to see we actually had the extra staff in that is always needed but I'm not sure if this was because my boss was in as he was giving himself extra staff on the sly, or if they actually decided to have extra staff in due to it normally having more work to get done on Saturday. While this was great for me it was what of kind of annoying that the typical work we get usually come in on Saturday was less, it's just typical as I was in hope this would prove to my boss we do need that extra person in. I was doing the usual and while there was the extra work to start later I did managed to escape just before it started again. Being mostly quiet gave me the opportunity to talk with some other staff who mentioned that there were indeed at least 2 new staff arrivals. I checked which days they were suppose to be in and know I was definitely in for one of them but never did see anybody new. I had one of the superiors give me a little voucher as a "thank you" for my work, I honestly rarely get these as I guess I'm just old news now even if I do anything good, maybe they just gave it to me this time to be fair to all staff lol. Most staff seem to love getting these little rewards I personally find them pointless as they are practically worthless and you usually need to still spend even more money to actually buy anything with them. I have often seen people being handed these rewards for sometimes the most ridiculous petty of things which then makes me question why I didn't "or others" didn't get rewarded after doing the exact same thing many times over? Still it's not that I'd actually want them it's just it doesn't make sense or seem fair to all how they give these away. I had someone else extra assist me with the work and like this it made everything run smoother compared to if I was on my own but still when I last worked with this particular staff member looking over the system I often noticed the guy was mostly really just taking he's time. I looked over other parts of the work and nothing was really being done by him, he honestly generally wastes so much time during the beginning which is odd as I will admit he does make up for it when he's actually working lol.

At one point we all the bosses from different areas coming in on their day off in this meeting they were clearly trying to wear their most casual slob wear possible. Well except for the only woman there but maybe she done so as she was going back to the office after. A colleague also noticed and told me that the even bigger boss was strangely spotted outside "just watching" which made him nervous. Lol I told him not to worry as the guy is just a weirdo, I mean why call in all your staff for a meeting and then just hang around in the car park watching them all arrive. Returning from work had some idiot in the neighbourhood laser me in the eyes and at first I thought it was probably sunlight. But thought this as never happened before on this spot, plus there was nothing moving to be reflecting light. So I realised someone was hiding somewhere using a laser on me, which did actually hurt my eye for a while. Friends told me laser pens don't usually hurt so they think it might of been something else. The laser couldn't be from a pen as it was too large and also coming from too far of a distance but wouldn't surprise me if someone in the neighbourhood brought a gun and was fooling around with it. I saw a red dot at my chest and for a moment felt like I was in a movie well hopefully someone can figure out where it's coming from and make a complaint. But I doubt anyone will as just last night I firstly heard some screaming and shouting which is very typical here so it get's mostly ignored but I looked out and saw like 3 teens just being loud idiots. Moments later it got a little nosier and I thought nothing much of but looked out again and next thing I know there are 50 teens outside the house! It looked insane and frightening luckily from what I could see they made a lot of noise but nothing else, they were out there for around 40 minutes to which I'm shocked or maybe not that nobody called the police to move them on. The only explanation I know for all these people suddenly outside a residential area is that they were kicked out of an illegal rave somewhere and were just hanging around. It was late and made it difficult to sleep they seriously have no respect but like I already said luckily there were no incidents that I could see.

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Steem will go down.

🏆 Winner

Steem will go down.

why not work is so much fun right
Steem will go up.


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Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

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