Where are You Looking? – Psalm 105:4

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Look to YHWH and his strength; seek his face always.

What a simple verse. Yet, if we could faithfully accomplish it, how awesome life would be! It’s not that it’s impossible. It’s just that we are constantly tempted to trust in other things or other people.

So think for a second. What, or who, is in your life that you may look to instead of YHWH? Have you ever examined your life in this way before? There’s always another trying to fill His position in our life.

Someone or something that seems to make it easy to trust in. That is until they turn on you and just completely let you down. And let it be known that man and things will always let you down eventually. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But they will. They always do. YHWH is the only one who is faithful. Thus, we are told to look to Him and His strength.

Let’s not let ourselves be deceived to look to any other besides YHWH. The more we look to Him now will only make it easier for tomorrow.

Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, shalom!

SOURCE: Steve Moutria at TorahFamily.org (Posted with permission)



Brother Simms, you’re back! I’ve missed your daily posts!
YHWH is my strength. Without Him, I wouldn’t have any at all!

Yes....I'm back and there is lots to catch up on both in my day to day as well as Steemit. You may see some comments from me on some older posts as I go back through them!

And hey I'm glad you missed the daily posts, glad to know they are being read!

sir simms50! howdy back sir! yay...well it is so true that God is faithful and will never leave us nor forsake us and mankind has a way of blowing things and disappearing on us! lol. great truth today!

Yeah..mankind sucks sometimes don't it!!!

Thanks for the comment brother @janton!

howdy again sir simms50! haha yes sir except on steemit, we have so many good people here!

That is true...there are a lot of good people here!

Another excellent devotional. I had the pleasure of shaking Steve's hand at Sukkot this year!

Sweet, I hope one day to get the opportunity to meet him. Did he and his family stay the whole week? Wait a minute, I though he was on a different calendar as in I thought I remember him saying in one of his videos that his Sukkot would not be until the end of October.

Yes, he's celebrating in October. He and his family stopped by for an evening. He said "well, we're on the right calendar." (with a big grin on his face). It's only funny since there's not a single prideful bone in his body. Steve is a very humble man.

I imagine that he is a very humble man! I also enjoy the fact that he as no issue telling everyone that he could be wrong in what he believes in...now that is humility!

He IS the Only One Who is faithful. We watch a friend of mine singing online every Shabbat - James Block - and today He was speaking about the relationship with our Father that is unlike any other relationship we'll experience

Amen to that!

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