Open your windows!

It's Monday, a new week is just started and here in Italy the children just came back at school. Everything looks different under the grey sky full of clouds. The Autumn started to give new shades of colors to the natural elements and in my backyards there is a carpet made by a lot of red leaves from my plum tree.

Everything looks really quiet today. Maybe too quiet. Ok, it's really to quiet here today! I need more energy to start this week in a better way. I need to open my windows!

Not just a metaphor, I really need to refresh the air in my home and so I had to open all the windows, even if I perfectly know that it will be an "open way" for every mosquitoes! ^_^

This year we have many mosquitoes here and they seems to love so much my blood, so I had to pay attention during all the Summer. I had to use every sort of mosquito repellent, since I became a repellent for them by myself ^_^

The pics that I'm sharing in this content are not about my home, but this is an old building in Florence (Italy). I was intrigued by these windows, opened all together at the same time. It looks like I'm not the only one who loves to open windows in these season ^_^

In this pic there is also a nice, interesting detail very common in the old buildings in my area: an ancient florentin insignia ^_^

Well, it's time for the second cup of coffee, 

see ya later and steem on!


silvia beneforti

Great palette in those photos and windows :)

I agree! When I saw this building I couldn't resist to take a pic ^_^

I would like to dress with those colors.

maybe I will grab some color from ur photo builidings too for a design :)

I can't wait to see it :D

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