About The Dark Series: The Beginning Is End, The End Is Beginning

Netflix-made Dark series, which was released in the final season recently, seems to continue to be on the agenda for a while. The series, which ended in its full decision with the third season, which left the taste on the palate after the last two seasons, has already taken the first place in the list of the best series of us. Not just with the time cycle; As a result of putting science, philosophy, religion and mythological elements into fiction, an enormous job has been created. No matter how much we exaggerate, it sounds like it will not be enough. There are so many beautiful details to be discussed and appreciated that the definitions of “a series that respects their audience” are absolutely correct! I will try to explain the final season, in which the events are revealed, by going through the characters, so prepare your drinks long and long-lasting, special for those who watch the series after that ...


A Detailed Look at Dark Series

Family tree


For those who do not want to watch the first two seasons again, you can look at all the sections, the comprehensive family tree, and even what the individuals experience episodes from the Turkish supported site. It would be much better to watch the seasons in a row to keep in mind, because a sentence or a scene shot in past seasons makes sense in the last season. Even while watching the murder bureau, a notebook was kept in the plot, even in the brain-burning series, which took the desire to hang on the wall by taking notes of the family tree, all the dates experienced and showing the relations between them with red threads. A cycle in which the beginning and the end are intertwined is explained that the sentence in the series is the summary of everything: "What we know is a drop, what we do not know is the ocean ..."


H.G. Tannhaus

This season we understood that the responsible of everything, the scientist Tannhaus, who started the cycle. In the 1880s, we saw that their ancestors also worked to travel in time. Tannhaus uses nuclear energy while operating his trip machine in 1986 to save his son, bride, and grandson, who had lost in a car accident. (The place where he works is in the central area.) The energy released as a result of the barrel accident that happened at that moment triggers the machine and causes two alternative phases, which we can call miniature big bang.

Claudia Tiedemann said that after the barrel accident, cesium remains remained. (Half-life of radioactive element Cesium: 30 years.) With the nuclear accident that happened again in 2020 and the effect of accumulated cesium, the time stopping and explosion called apocalyptic occur. With this explosion, the god particle is left behind (Today's Cern, the European Nuclear Research Center was like Winden Town of that time) and a portal that enables them to go to any time with this particle is obtained.
We saw time travel made in 3 different ways throughout the series. The tunnel in the cave is the device (with old and new versions) prepared by Tannhaus and the god particle. Since the explosion material was easy, the time travel was easy, why were so many children kidnapped and killed in the series?

Jonas Kahnwald (Adam)


The older version of Jonas, the son of Hannah and Michael Kahnwald, Adam hit Martha when the apocalypse began in the season 2 finale, and then Martha, who came from the parallel universe, came to take Jonas to his world. We saw that Jonas was not born in the parallel world of the series that started the season 3 from this scene. Because his father Michael aka Mikkel (son of Ulrich and Katharina Nielsen) did not travel with him in this universe and traveled with Hannah. So that Jonas of this universe, Martha, who holds the time loop… (Yellow raincoat being in Martha)

Passing into the parallel universe, Jonas realizes that Martha does not know her. Because Martha is manipulated by Adam and Eva (old Martha), she rescues Jonas from the apocalypse and goes to the time when he has not yet recognized Jonas in his universe and leaves Jonas. My name is Garavel, find me and disappear ... Then we understand that Eva is the owner of the space in the parallel universe. They were divided into two in the 1st universe, such as Adam in the 2nd universe, and Survivor teams with their followers. The guy is trying to destroy the loop, Eva is trying to continue the loop…

While apocalypse breaks in the first universe we watch, Jonas is saved by Martha from the parallel universe. When they are together in the following episodes, Martha in the parallel universe becomes pregnant and Jonas is killed. (Since the knot of the two universes has been thrown with the child to be born, Jonas is not needed. Young Jonas should not know the parallel universe for the cycle to continue.)

While the apocalypse breaks in the first universe we watch, it gives up saving Jonas by the speech of Martha Barthosz in the parallel universe. Jonas escapes by entering the bunker under the house and does not know about the parallel universe (Eva's universe) until his middle-aged in the 1800s.

Schrödinger's cat, explaining the multiple realities, happening at the same time in the first two items, explained with his experiment and quantum entanglement. (I am overtaking this part as it is well described in the series.)

Jonas, who survived the apocalypse in the first universe, continues to live in the future until his middle age (with Claudia and de Noah led by Eva), and then goes to 2019 to prevent apocalypse. During the apocalypse (June 27, 2020) middle-aged Jonas; Together with Magnus, Franziska, Barthosz, he goes back to the 1800s and the process of middle-aged Jonas to become Adam with Sic Mundus begins. (In the apocalypse, Martha in the parallel universe that brought Jonas to her own universe goes back to the past and leaves the middle-aged Jonas who are experimenting with the substance used in the time travel machine. A greeting has been sent to.)

But even if Adam digs the tunnels in the cave (can only go through 33-year cycles) in those years, he kidnaps children through Helge Doppler and Noah Nielsen (Hanno Tauber), allowing them to be sent deadly to different times by experimenting, on the other hand, he will create himself. the cycle can continue…


Because Ulrich's son Mikkel's disappearance and his brother Mads have traveled time, he goes after his obsessed lover, Hannah Ulrich, and his daughter Silja (Egon's father in both universes), born of his relationship with Egon Tiedemann, is the wife of Barthosz in the 1800s. It starts the family tree by having Agnes and Noah born.


Martha Nielsen (Eva)


With the death of Martha, daughter of Katharina and Ulrich Nielsen in universe 1, and Jonas in universe 2, the sentence "Everyone kills ..." comes to life. The words "Sic Mundus Creatus Est" (that is how the universe was created) in Adam's universe include the words "Erit Lux" (let it be light), change their names to Adam and Eva (Adam & Eve), in Adam's and Eva's rooms With the pictures found, the thoughts about the loop are obvious…

This work, which means the Fall of the Cursed People he stands in front of, describes the landing of the angel named Michael, who fought against the devil, with other angels, and chaos dominates the picture. The name of Adam's father was also Michael (Mikkel) and the first cycle we knew started with both his father's suicide and his disappearance. (which was also the reason for Jonas. He wanted to prevent his father's suicide, he put his idea of ​​suicide into his father's mind, like a prophecy that made himself). He thinks it will be enough to keep the loop the same and kill Martha who is pregnant. What he can't calculate is that Eva is always one step ahead…


Although Eva's desire to ensure the continuation of the cycle (life) is paradox, she does not think that they are matrix errors. (So ​​Tannhaus gives Claudia the drafts so she can build the machine.) During this process, she directs Adam as she wants because she wants her children to live. And the children (children, young people, old people) continue the cycle, following their mother Eva's murder, committing murder. Other ages survive as long as the child is the oldest, so all three of them travel together for safety purposes. Eva and Adam's son is also Tronte Nielsen's father due to his relationship with Agnes. They were already giving Tronte her mother's wristbands in one scene. As you can see, the son of Tronte's son Ulrich and Mads, Ulrich's children Martha, Magnus, and Mikkel continue in the lineage of Nielsen.

Of course, there was someone Eva couldn't calculate. Claudia, the pride of the town of Winden, who kills and replaces her own parallel universe version and seems to be helping Eva.

Claudia Tiedemann


The motivation of Claudia, referred to as the white devil, ensures that her daughter Regina, who is from Bernd Doppler (Helge's father), lives, so she examines both universes and discovers that she is a main universe and her daughter does not exist with the cycle. (Her daughter's father was not Tronte Nielsen.) In the second season, telling Jonas that "I saw the universe you were not, it wasn't better than here." Shows that he has already replaced his parallel situation and resolved the situation. Using quantum entanglement, Claudia is killed by Noah in one reality, and escapes death in the other. Claudia uses free will in the series, which emphasizes the importance of free will in Schopenhauer's word from the beginning. After creating enough infrastructure to break the loop (infrastructure kills her daughter so that her daughter can live in the main world), she goes to persuade Adam and a new chain of alternative events begins.

From the radio, Claudia listens to the explanation of scientists that the world time stopped briefly at the moment of the explosion, and lightning strikes her head.

Claudia, who goes to Adam to use this information, says everything.

The man convinces Jonas, who is waiting at the head of Martha who died in the first universe. Jonas here is the one where Martha didn't save her, Jonas. So he doesn't know about the parallel universe.

The parallel Martha, who was persuaded by Bartosz and gave up saving Jonas, was detained by young Jonas, whom he could not save, together with the elderly Magnus and Franziska, without having the opportunity to go to Adam and Adam. Martha has memories with Jonas, but Jonas does not know parallel Martha ...

If the parallel Martha went to where Adam and Eva were, he would see Adam being shot by Eva and turn into Eva.

Parallel Martha and Jonas must send the Interstellar scene (see the wormhole or Einstein-Rosen bridge) as the time stops during the explosion, passing through the beam of light (they see their own childhood and exist in their childhood memories, that moment they live) reach the main universe and prevent Tannhaus's son from crashing in traffic. happen. Each break means a new chain of alternative events. In this way, two symmetrical universes disappear and the main universe continues to exist.

While they were trying to prevent the accident on the Bridge, I thought they would cause the accident and the paradox could not be broken, but the series surprised us by doing the opposite corner here.

Called Satan, Claudia convinces Adam and Eva and sends them to heaven ... The heaven, also called the episode, may have been depicted as an unknown place without parallel worlds.


Tannhaus could not take back time in the main world, but it prevented the accident by creating parallel universes…

The obvious question that comes to everyone is: If parallel universes did not occur as a result of the accident being prevented, Matha and Jonas did not exist, then who prevented the accident?

Bootstrap Paradox (Shoelace Paradox)

This paradox, which has become a classic in time travel productions, is described as follows: Let's say you are a scientist and your future state has given you the drafts of time machine construction. You were able to build the machine using those blueprints, and your future state must always forward the blueprints to achieve this. The problem starts here. So who made the time machine first? So what is the beginning of the cycle?

So how did you get out of this paradox in the series?

This is the only place where the knee contradicts itself to break the loop, but they also brought a good explanation to this part. The answer is quantum entanglement… Jonas and Martha escaped the cycle and prevented the accident because they were able to intervene in the cycle thanks to the time that stopped during the apocalypse. While the time traveled linearly in the main universe, time was in an infinite cycle with the formation of parallel universes. (The symbol of infinity in Eva's room) When the accident in 1971 was prevented, the time line became linear again in the main universe. As a result, the paradox did not move to the main universe. They walked back out of the dead-end street. However, it was still not enough to explain how Jonas and Martha could exist, which prevented the cycle. The series that came out of the Bootstrap Paradox and was captured by another paradox. Just like the red thread of Ariadne's theater play, followed by the ancestor of Tannhaus and played by Martha. (See Ariadne, daughter of King Minos)

Scars & Items


Two alternative universes, mirror images of each other, are projected tremendously cinematographically. The fact that the items in the house in the two universes are a mirror image of each other, the place of the scar on the face in the transition to another universe, makes you think that you cannot think so much while shooting the series. Even the big scratch on the face of Eva that was covered by Eva showed that Martha is in what timeframe and how much she knows…

The Story of St. Christopher's Necklace


This necklace, which means the patron saint of the passengers, was gifted to Hannah Kahnwald by Egon Tiedemann in 1954. Where Hannah goes to Silja to get her baby when she gets pregnant, she coincides with Katharina Nielsen's mother, Helene Albers. In this time period, Hannah introduces herself as Katharina. Helene and Hannah give up their children, and Hannah leaves her necklace to Helene. It would be Hannah who gave her name to Katharina…

In the 1980s, Katharina was killed by her mother trying to get her entrance card from her mother, who worked in the hospital to save Ulrich from her mental hospital. The pendant remains on the floor at that time. The mother puts her daughter in her backpack and puts her in the lake, and comes home to beat her daughter's youth. Enthusiast Katharina… As Martha and Jonas sit on the lake shore in 2019, the necklace goes to Jonas and presents it to Martha. In the same section, Bartosz tells that there is a ghost in the lake. That ghost is Katharina lying at the bottom of the lake with a bag full of stones ...

22.13 O'Clock


Michael Kahnwald had a suicide note on November 4, 22.13. It was 22.13 when Martha and Jonas went to the main universe in the last season. The same detail indicates the revelation corresponding to 22.13 in the Bible. "Alpha and Omega, I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

3 seasons, 3 universes, 3 dimensions, 33 years cycle, sic mundus symbol, Adam Eva Claudia 3… It is a reference to the Trinity Faith in the Christian doctrine.

**Charlotte Doppler & Elisabeth Doppler & Hanno Tauber **

Hanno (young), also known as Noah (middle age), believes that he will reach heaven using his journey through a religious person and time. Adam cheats Noah and Noah Helge to do the experiments. In 1921, when Hanno was digging for a tunnel with a man, he shot the man for not believing Adam. That man was his father, Bartosz… (in Season 2) Though Adam had killed his mother Hannah and his beloved Martha. Everyone kills each other, we can't stop.

Young Hanno, who goes to the future, closes up with Elisabeth after the apocalypse and has daughters. Baby Charlotte is kidnapped while middle age continues to live in the future until Noah becomes. A different version of Elisabeth and the baby Tannhaus, kidnapped by the mother Charlotte, who escaped the apocalypse and leaped into the future, is left to the 70s. Charlotte grows up and marries Peter Doppler and gives birth to Elisabeth. In the future, Elisabeth gives birth to Charlotte. Thus, they become each other's mother-daughter, moreover, longing for each other… Their existence depends on the repetition of the knot.

The End


Let's examine the names of the dinner in the main universe in the final scene. Not all of these characters were born with names and cycles that died in parallel universes.

Katharina Albers: None of the main universes existed because the people of Nielsen lineage were born dependent on time travel. Her husband Ulrich and her children do not.
Regina Tiedemann: The house we see as the house of Jonas in Adam's universe and Martha's house in Eva's universe is Regina's in the main universe. He probably had a happy relationship with his mother Claudia, and not cancer. The nuclear power plant might not have been built because Adam and Eva's son had obtained the signature for the power plant. He did not meet his wife Alexander Tiedemann either. (his real name is Boris Niewald: Nielsen was not informed about the Kahnwald mix despite being her surname) During her time cycle, Regina showed her slander to the intrigue queen Hannah, Ulrich and Katharina in her youth. Alexander, who was in the forest at the time, helped when Ulrich and Hannah pressed Regina in the forest. Since this incident did not occur, Alexander probably died somewhere from blood loss. Without Alexander, his son Barthosz is also absent.

Peter Doppler & Bernadette Wöller: Without Charlotte, eventually Peter is with his wife ... His wife and daughters are destroyed because they exist because of the cycle. When Peter lost his mother, his father came to town to find Helge, so it's not the product of the cycle.

Torben Wöller: He had no eyes in one universe and no arms in one universe. Fortunately, it's safe in the main universe. They ended by saying that they should not know what happened to their eyes / arms ...

Hannah Krüger: His wife Michael and son Jonas are absent because they exist with the lineage of Nielsen. Hannah was interested in the cops throughout the series, not surprising to be with Wöller. However, the dejavu described by Hannah at the table is a bit dangerous because when I saw her husband's childhood in the first seasons, I said that I became a dejavu.

Their desire for a world without Winden at the table takes us to Ulrich & Hannah's speech in 1986. At the moment of the nuclear accident, the world conversation without Winden had passed and the electricity was cut off, just like in the final scene ... We don't know if Tannhaus had any other trauma that pushed him to make a time machine except for his son ... left. The last here belongs to us. Let's accept both realities befitting Schrödinger.

The story that started with father Tannhaus, who loved his son, ended with Claudia, who loved his daughter. It is a production with high viewing pleasure and unforgettable… Even if they put me in a parallel universe, I cannot write this series. If my next version comes and buy and write it, it is another. I am rational to such paradoxes…

PS: The sun comes to the same spot at the same time every 33 years. In other words, the position of the sun on the day we were born comes to the same position 33 years later. It is emphasized that 32.5 33 age cycle is very important in astrology. In the series, 33 years have been noticed as the turning point of the cycles and important developments that have changed the course of life occurred in this interval ...

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