Steemit Crypto Academy Season Beginners' course -Task 8: Decentralized Applications(dApps)

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Hello everyone
I'm here today to complete the task and I will thank professor @wahyunhrul for forgiving me for this wonderful lecture today.

What are dApps? Explain the working system of dApps? What are the differences between dApps and other applications? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps? How can dApps developers promote their apps? What should we pay attention to when using dApps? How do we find the information of a dApps that we want to know? Provide the steps (Screenshot required)

What are dApps?

The word dApps means the decentralized application and this isn't the first time I have come across the word decentralized application and decentralized application is a computer application that runs on a decentralized system and in a decentralized application its own and is controlled by the user, and no authority has power over the users, it's the user who has power unless in a centralized application the application is owned and control by the authority Example is Facebook and Twitter this application are been own and control by the authorities and the users can't go beyond their limited but in a decentralized application the users can do whatever they want to do with the interference of any third-party example of a decentralized application is steem platform, any user in there can do whatever he or she likes without having a problem with anyone

And the reason why dApp was created was to give people the freedom to explore their knowledge since they weren't given much attention to the centralized application because there were rules and regulations, so they were only following their rules and if you mistakenly go beyond your limited they were going to block you but when the decentralized application came into existence they were
Given much need attention, do whatever they want to do without having problems with anyone, and so they weren't giving attention to the centralized application, but they were much focused on decentralized application.

One thing about Adpps is that to make a transaction easier and faster without paying higher fees and there is no third party as compared to the centralized application were making transactions saved time and there is third party and cost of transaction is higher.

In an Adpps when the application is having a problem both the users will come together to solve it together and there is a saying which says that two heads are better than one head so at the end of their gathering they will solve the problem successfully without a third party but in a centralized application when the application is at fault they have to wait for the authority to make their decision and come out to solve the problem without the help of the users.

Explain the working system of dApps?

In dApps, decentralized applications are designed in a way that when the system is having problems the users come together or gathered together and each user will give his opinion on the way to solve the problem and at the end, they will all come up with one idea that will help them solve the problem and it will become successful and with the interference of third party and they are open for everyone one user and it doesn't cost a higher fee when making transactions and you are free to make a transaction without any interference of the authority and it will very difficult for anyone to hack your account and in dApps, each user is being given his or her password any with this password now one can have access to your account.

dApps was bought into the system to help the users to gain self-independence from a centralized application but in the centralized applications because it was the only application at first the system was too slow to make a transaction but when the decentralized application came it was able to solve this problem by making transactions look so simple and faster and it does not charge higher fees with making a transaction and with the interference any authority and it doesn't save time when making a transaction but in the centralized application when you are going to a transaction there is a third party and because of that it waste time to complete a transaction and because of that there is no privacy and because of the problem centralized application where accounting people were complaining but when the decentralized application came it make everything look so simple for the user.

What are the differences between dApps and other applications?

dApps is unique from other applications and the differences are as follows.

Easy to make a transaction

  • In dApps a user can make a couple of transactions in a single minute and one thing about the decentralized application is it's only the user who is in control of making transaction, without the inferences of the third party but in other applications when making a transaction there is a third party where the central authority controls the users to make the transaction and because the third party is there it saved time to be able to couple a single transaction

Difficult to penetrate through it

  • In decentralized applications, the system is impossible for someone to hack your account and the security it’s strong to the extent that no one can have direct access to your account but in other applications, the central authority has direct access to your and they have direct to all your funds and assets to your account so it is very easy to lose your assets since there it’s the third party.


  • In a decentralized application, the user has a view of what happens in his or her account and he or she know where the transaction is heading towards but in the other applications, the user doesn’t have a view of what happened to the transaction he or she is making and the user won't have a direct view of an asset.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps?


  • In dApps, the users can make a transaction without the involvement of any central authority.
  • In dApps making a transaction is much easy as compared to the other applications and in making it doesn’t cost a higher fee as compared to other applications where the fee is always higher
  • In a dApps, the users enjoy much more freedom as compared to other applications in decentralized applications the users can do whatever he or she wants in other to stay closer to his or her assets without having any problems with any authority


  • In dApps when you making a transaction and you mistakenly send the funds to the wrong address there is no way you can get it back again
  • In dApps, because the users enjoy much freedom with any third party when the system is having a problem is almost difficult to solve because that the system may get damage
  • Putting up decentralized applications is too costly it involves a huge sum of capital to bring it up and it saves a lot of time and energy in the process of bringing it uHow can dApps developers promote their apps?
    There are many ways we can help promote their apps and let many people in the different worlds also enjoy them.

What should we pay attention to when using dApps

In dApps is free for anyone who wants to be members and it’s of two way which to gain or lose and so when you using dApps you have to pay proper attention to the decentralized applications and the following are some of the reason why you should pay attention to it

In dApps is very easy to again and it is very easy to lose and the reason why one could lose is when you don’t know when to buy your cryptocurrency and when to sell your cryptocurrency and sometimes if you aren’t careful you could lose your assets because it was very easy to get a steal in there, so time if very good for you do know the one you are going to buy your cryptocurrency from because those that we don’t know usually steal our assets.

How do we find the information of a DApp that we want to know? Provide the steps (Screenshot required)

  • In getting details or information on a decentralized application, the platform stated will guide you through. by visiting it.


  • A list of decentralized applications will pop up once you click on ranking. Click on any of the applications to explore.
  • I chose to click on the 10th dApp which I will be making my explorations on
  • UniSwap we all know that it is an exchange platform for the exchange of ERC-20 tokens based on the Ethereum Blockchain. Price at
  • UniSwap is an exchange platform protocol that is used for the exchange of ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain. It has a token called Uni and is priced at $25.77.



Decentralized applications have come into existence for users to do whatever they want and be self-dependent and that matter people have to be more focused a the decentralized applications since it does not own or controlled by any third party and I will like to @ wahynahrul for giving us the great opportunity for lecturing us on a topic decentralized applications.



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