Steemit Engagement Challenge Season8 Week1: What is the value of life? | @sikan-eyen

in Colombia-Original2 years ago (edited)


Life is like many waters, you got to take a deep dive in order to completely understand it.

A quick dive in it will make you stuck you're head out high or swallow the water and sink away.

In life, you are faced with making your own decisions and taking a foot towards it and what's even more....taking responsibility for your actions, so yes this brings us back to subject: death penalty.

I believe that practically everyone can descend good from bad, even a toddler knows he\she.

So i support death penalty for heinous crimes. Especially in our indigenous community where the crime rate has taken a huge uproaraffecting the lives and properties of people living in that particular area. Well i kind of blame this on the economy, so so hard living up these days but hey! That is no justification for doing the wrong things or making a wrong move.

Death penalty not only offers the person to adjust and turn a new leaf but it also serves as a caution to those who might think of attempting such crimes.
It invokes fear and discipline amongst the growing youths and children.
So yes, i agree to death penalty.

Yes, the death penalty is part of the law in my country, cases of punishment by death accrues to crimes like murder and rape in the society.
It is being implemented in the Nigerian constitutional acts.

For a case of death penalty in my country, let me talk about jungle justice, ever heard of it?

This is the type of death penalty that is in the hands the people on the streets.


For instance if someone steals on the street or surrounding neighbourhood, the person is chased, caught, beaten up and burned to death on the street. It is really a sour sight to behold.

But at the end of the day, death is an inevitable end, we all cross the line, nature made it so!!

At the end of this contest, i invite my friends to join me:


Thank you @colombiaoriginal for this great opportunity to express my thoughts on this interesting topic presented to us, great steemian.



I agree with you and you are right that deaths penalty should not be just given to the criminals and it is not just a lesson for the criminals but for those who are also thinking to attempt such things and it's a warning for all of them so it's a very good act to strictly follow this rule and to give death penalty to everyone who are doing such foolish acts.

At last I wish you a great success that you have shared your ideas in this contest according to your point of view

Thank you my friend, you have said it all.

Have a nice evening.

 2 years ago 

Hola @sikan-eyen, has expresado con tus palabras cosas que has vivido en tú país, nos compartes partes de las leyes que imponen en tú publicación con aquellas personas que cometen actos de bandalismo.

Te sugiero que justifiques los textos para que la apariencia sea más bonita y mejor al momento de la lectura. Además que uses algunas cosas técnicas de Markdowns para embellecer tú post.

Saludos 🤗

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Calidad del contenido2/3
Fecha de verificación:04/03/23


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Thank you for reviewing.

If someone committed crime, he/she may be burnt to death but we all forgets that we must have involved ourselves in one crime or the other in the past, and we were forgiven. Since we all must surely die one day, then i don't see reasons why people should be forced to die a painful death no matter their crime. Thanks you.

I personally do not support jungle justice, i prefer the authorities do their duties.... But what to do? They say the streets is not friendly, true!

Thanks for stopping by.

You are welcome

Hola @sikan-eyen, aunque en mi pais, la ley de la selva no existe formalmente, muchas veces ocurre que las personas de una comunidad se toman las leyes en sus manos y castigan con la muerte a algun delincuente que los tenga cansados, y aunque no creo que sea la mejor manera de hacer justicia comparto su reaccion. Saludos

Gracias señor, esta es mi creencia honesta también.

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