The Dairy Game (31:03:2024): "Finding Blessings in Challenges: A Day of Diligence and Reflection"


Assalamu Alaikum Everyone

Greetings from @shuly to all of you. I hope you're all doing well and having a great time.

Today Sunday, I was supposed to go to the farmhouse in my village in the morning, but I didn't go because there was a big storm in the morning.


The picture is taken from my album

Around 9:00 in the morning, my crow was calling on the roof, when I opened the door of the room, I saw a lot of dust and sand. Construction work is going on near my house, all the dust particles of construction are scattered around my house in the strong morning wind. So I did not go to the village house. I hired two people and cleaned all the dust and sand from the construction around my house.


The picture is taken from my album

And despite fasting, my maid did a lot of work with me today, the garage, the attic, the gate inside the house, we both worked together till noon today.

The picture is taken from my album

Now it's time to bath the cat, the cat is very happy to see so much dust on the balcony. He spread dust all over his body in joy, so I scolded him a little, and he was so angry that he was sitting quietly on the back wall, I took him from there and took a bath.

Today after the Zohar prayer, I didn't discuss Hadith with my neighbor's aunts because I was very tired. So took some rest.


A person working at my farmhouse took some pictures of my paddy field and sent it on WhatsApp because I didn't go to the village. The rice plants are becoming very beautiful. And various vegetables are good. And I told them, I would go to the village house after Eid.


After iftar, I asked my younger son to give me a list of Zakat and Fitra, and he gave me a list of who should be given to whom, I hope I will deliver Zakat Fitra to them in two days. While chatting with my son with tea in hand, Isah's calls to prayer. After that what else? The regular Isah and Taraweeh prayers and dinner, Then sleep for a while and wake up again at three in the morning for Tahajjut prayer and Sahri. This was my activity for the day.

 4 months ago 

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