SEC S17W5: The Diary Game (6.05.24): "The ways of life". By @shubham26

in RECREATIVE STEEM4 months ago (edited)

Hello guys I am Shubham Singh from India, it's good to kick start the week with some good contest and here I am entering into my the most amazing and easy contest which we people generally post on this platform is our famous diary game.


Day by day from posting different types of contest and blogs I am gaining confidence and moving a step forward to improve my contents. For this contest I would like to invite my friends @sikha12 , @monz122 and @alfezmalik to join and participate with me.

Let's get started with our diary !

Picsart_24-05-08_00-08-55-101.jpgon the way to gym

Sometimes I do feel lazy and do not want to get up early morning get ready and go to gym for my training and giving any training to others but I remember a quote given by my grandfather "A slow and gradual progress is the step towards success"

With a cup of black coffee and a detox drink my morning started and having get freshen up at around 5:15 a.m. which is too early for late risers but any how I have to catch the time for giving PT to my clients.

purchased Mangoes from the market

The first thing I saw entering the kitchen was my most favourite fruit mangoes brought by my dad specially for me and mom. The only part for which I like summer is we get to eat juicy fruits like mango watermelon and litchis. So I took mangoes and kepted in my gym bag .

Started my Workout after having my Pre-workout

IMG-20240507-WA0033(1).jpgmy Pre-workout

Around 6:30 a.m. I reached my gym and started my workout for me it was my bicep and tricep day. Due to skipping my breakfast today as I was in a haste to reach gym on time I took out my shaker bottle and mixed my proteins and sipped the same. Having taken my pre workout I started my abs exercise of crunches.

IMG-20240413-WA0010.jpgme after workout

By 9:00 am my clients for personal training arrived and it was the time for me to give muscle gain training which is indeed a hard job as you have to shout a lot and correct the positions of the client. Providing of PT training ended at 12:45 pm as there were 5 to 6 clients.

Having closed the gym by reached my sister's house which is on the way to gym for my lunch. In the middle of the way I saw a stall selling Papri Chaat and I could not stop myself from having the chaat as I was starving.

Picsart_24-05-07_23-09-42-510.jpgmy favourite street food papri chaat

With the grace of all mighty the weather today after a long wait of 1 month was moderate with cool winds blowing. Having reached my sister's house I played with my niece and took a nap as I have to get back to the gym again for my posing practice by 4:30 p.m. So the next important thing for me was sitting an alarm of 3:45 p.m.

Picsart_24-05-07_23-49-57-365.jpgposing practice for nationals

Sometimes even when we are tired it is our hard work and dedication which gives us the result so with the cup of black coffee I was trying to figure out my posing practice and the poses which I was going to give today as you can see the picture below of my posing practice.

posing practice for competition

Night Time

After attending bio classes I reached home and generally till the time I reach home I get totally tired after a hectic day. Sometimes to live your dreams you have to let go many other things in life but at the end of the day what matters is your dedication towards the dream.

So this is a short blog of how I spent my day! Hope you guys have also enjoyed your day and shared the same on this platform.

Lots of Love to you guys! See you soon in my next post till then Take care and have fun !


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