<3 Steemit community your comments makes me feel loved here! <3

in #nsfw7 years ago (edited)

Every performer i know in our adult film business has the same trouble. we must fight with online censorship, deleted for showing nipples (which men have nipples too) and no men ever have their account deleted like we do. this is why we mostly do not have social media, except twitter, we are banned every where! :(((


free the nip!

This feels like hiding some dirty secret, under my clothes?! ha, everyone knows the secret is that we all must go only to porn websites! i do not want to hide my body, or sex. Steemit has changed my life in one month! i used to want a website, and i must pay some camera man and pay editing and webmasters! Now we have steem this is so easy, i love this!

love steem steemit.jpg

shona elegant sexy.jpg

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i cannot thank you all enough for making me feel love again. important we feel good about what we do. if we dont feel good, i think -dont do it.
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all women have them!

get your boobies here! lol we are just normal people, walking with music, and loving life! no one knows the secret! ha x
shona outside.jpg


Steemit newbie & Pornstar engineering student


:P my work is not safe for your work!

steemit cool.jpg


My wife has also been pretty happy that she can share basically whatever she wants to here without being censored. It's definitely an amazing platform. She used to be a dancer and does camming a little bit on the side but has a regular job like me Monday thru Friday.

Excellent post and beautiful pictures! I'm glad you've found happiness and creative freedom here as many others have.

it's amazing! im stunned! camgirls rule the world!

Keep up the good work in expanding steemit's user base!!!!!!!!!!😄

yes! it took me six months to find courage to share here, i expected not to be welcome! BIG surprise! lol x

Im was surprised that you said you needed courage as you already make the material!... but I can see - connecting that with yourself in a more personal way. Pretty amazing to put it all out there! Awesome to do, and awesome material! Congrats!😃

Thanks for the awesome content you share. And yes, please free the nips, for without them breasts are pointless.

Your hair looks better straight, the last picture in the red dress is very nice.

takes all day to make straight! thankyou x

never had students like you in my engineering classes. damn the Baptists of Northern Texas, LOL

lol! i know pornstar friends from baptist, catholic and mormon, is very common in america! some statistics say that highest % or porn is watched on sundays!

You think it's the same when men show nipples as when women do?
I really can't understand why people have to ruin an otherwise fair positon.

If you want to fight censorship you need to understand what people find objectionable. The reason a picture of a topless woman and at topless man aren't treated the same way is that a mans naked chest is not considered sexual. If you want them to be treated the same that requires society to either treat a mans nipples as just as sexual as a womans, or see a womans nipples as just as non-sexual as a man.It will be impossible to bring the sexual value of a mans naked chest up to the value of a womans, so that would leave only one option: the reduction of the sexual value of a womans naked chest. The only way that would happen is if society grew sufficiently desensitized to it that it was neither special or a implied anything sexual.

We've grown far more desensitised over the years as censorship has been lifted. Women in a short skirt would have seemed very shockingly sexually stimulating not so long ago. Now we need more to get us stimulated, and that again is where taboo lies. If you want sex to be exciting you can't overly resent the taboo around it, that's exactly why you find it exciting.

That which is denied or hidden is MORE coveted and sought.
It is the indoctrination of guilt and shame that supports the entire porn industry.
Perhaps when the open expression of sexuality is allowed and naturalized
LOVE will again be the stimulus required for arousal.

Didn't you read my whole comment?

What evidence is there anywhere that removing taboos increases arousal? Because we have an incredible amount of evidence otherwise. All that happens is when we remove one taboo we move the bar higher and we find something else.

If we were to reach a point where nudity and sexuality no longer has any taboo around it at all then it would no longer be arousing. Why? Because it's normal, exactly the same reason as seeing a girls naked ankles doesn't even register as sexual. If you want sexuality to be sexual then you can't seriously wish that everyone thought nothing of it. If you wanted showing breasts to be considered no more taboo than showing a man's chest you're also saying you want breasts to be considered just as non-sexual. Now maybe you're okay with that, maybe you want that, but most people that say this sort of thing seem to think they can have both at the same time. It's like seriously thinking that if we could have sex with whoever we wanted at any time would still make sex just as exciting and interesting to us, Yes, nice fantasy maybe, but in reality just like anything else the less scarce something is the less valuable you find it. To the point where if it's so abundant, even if it's essential to you, you don't even notice it's even there. You don't notice all the breathable air around you as a "thing", it's just empty space, because it's so abundant it doesn't even register.

I know guys have nips to, and this is just my opinion but i would say that a woman's body is more sacred <3

You're amazing keep it up!

you are realy hott , lovely, keep on posting

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