Crash Fever Unit ID Index 8224, 8225, 8226, 8227, 8228steemCreated with Sketch.


Beach Patrolman Zhongli Quan


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 65



Type:Stamina Type

Max HP:13297

Max ATK:4583

Max REC:1699
Skill : Summer Night Return Song

Yellow, Damage Panels to SCP + Blue unit 1500 ATK boost, Hearts, Yellow Panels drop as Blue Bombs 2 turns.

Crash Skill : Sage Art : Evening Sea Guard

Immense damage to 1 enemy + Blue units 150 DEF boost 1 turn.

Ability 1 : Junk & Damage Panel Break

When in front, can break Junk, can break Damage Panels without taking damage.

Ability 2 : Panel Breaker (40) Tap Boost

When in front, break at least 40 panels in 1 turn for 1 extra tap.

Ability 3 : 3 Tribe HP Boost

Summer, Mech and Human units gain 800 HP.

Ability 4 : Blast Radius Enhance

When in front, Bomb blast boost.



Keyboard Expert Sanzo Hoshi


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 60



Type:Recovery Type

Max HP:7140

Max ATK:3564

Max REC:5169
Skill : Midsummer's Temple Bell

2 SCP(XL) + Yellow, Junk, Timers to CP(L) + Green unit 2018 REC, DEF boost 2 turns + Party ultra counter 3 turns.

Crash Skill : Ripple Theory

Ultra damage to 1 enemy based on own REC + Summer unit 200 REC boost 1 turn.

Ability 1 : Protect Break + Anti-Hacking

Immune to Hacking + When in front, can break protected panels.

Ability 2 : Skill Bind Ineffective

Skill Bind ineffective on self.

Ability 3 : Panel Breaker (40) Tap Boost

When in front, break at least 40 panels in 1 turn for 1 extra tap

Ability 4 : Final Floor 2 Tribe CSkill Boost

On the final floor, Summer and Deity units gain a C Skill damage boost.



Sacred Flash Sun Wukong


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 60



Type:Balanced Type

Max HP:7889

Max ATK:5090

Max REC:4065
Skill : Drum Sparkles

2 SCP(XL) + Junk, Timer, Red Panels to CP + X-Laser + Chance Hearts drop as Yellow, Blue as Yellow Bombs 1 turn.

Crash Skill : 72-Hit Golden Staff Combo

Massive damage to 1 enemy (ultra effective if the unit has ATK Boost)

Ability 1 : Junk Break

Can destroy Junk Panels when in front.

Ability 2 : CP Drop 3

When in front, 3 CP drop.

Ability 3 : Yellow Panel Break 25 Tap Boost

Yellow units gain 1 tap when by destroying 25 or more Yellow Panels in 1 turn.

Ability 4 : Final Floor 2 Tribe Enhance

On the final floor, Summer and Animal units gain Blast Radius Enhance.



Midsummer's Rose Cao Guojiu


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 60



Type:Technical Type

Max HP:6867

Max ATK:4858

Max REC:3704
Skill : Night Spring Illusion

Damage, Yellow Panels to Red Bombs(L) + Red Panel, Heart rate boost, chance 1 Red, 1 Heart drop as CBP, 7 own SCP drop 2 turns.

Crash Skill :Sage Art : Evening Curtain Melody

Ultra damage to 1 enemy + Red units gain 50 ATK, REC 1 turn.

Ability 1 : Vaccine & Damage Break

Immune to Virus + When in front, can break Damage Panels without taking damage.

Ability 2 : All Floor Skill Turn Boost

At start of each floor, own Skill Turns reduced by 1.

Ability 3 : Massive CP Spawn

Massive easy CP spawning when in front.

Ability 4 : 2 Tribe CP Drop

Chance Hearts drop as CP when a Summer or Deity unit is in front.



Drum Wave Scion Li Tieguai


Rarity:6 Stars/Cost 55



Type:Balanced Type

Max HP:5600

Max ATK:5433

Max REC:4391
Skill : Phantasmic Drum Show

Red Panels to Blue Bombs(L) + Blue units get 1 tap, chance 50 ea of own CP, Blue Bombs, Blue Panels drop, 1 Blue CBP 3 turns.

Crash Skill : Sage Art:Tropical Beats

Ultra damage to 1 enemy.

Ability 1 : Anti-Hacking + Junk Break

Immune to Hacking + When in front, can break Junk Panels.

Ability 2 : Fever Gauge 100 Blast Radius

When Fever Gauge is at 100%, own blast radius is enhanced.

Ability 3 : 2 Tribe CP Drop 3

3 CP drop when a Summer or Deity unit is in front.

Ability 4 : CP Breaker 30 C Skill Boost

When in front. Break 30 or more panels in 2 turn to boost own C Skill.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67202.29
ETH 2597.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66