You can decide anything||Power to decree

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Time to take a move as a church

Job 28:25-28

What is important is people. Make the almighty your gold.
Think about how beautiful Jesus is? Can we imagine when we see him face to face! Think about the Jesus who gave his whole life for you.
I don't want to embarras, him. He was embarrassed for me.

Christianity is public. We do things in the public, in the light.
We need to have an altar, a place where we bring our families, children, a certain place, a certain belonging.
The church is a family. You can't separate a family. If you don't have a family, you don't have anything.


Without family, there is just nothing. Its not ministry. Ministry is family.
Your giving is a sweet smelling aroma, your prayer is actual fellowship with the heavenlies.
We need to plug in to the 24hrs service in heaven. We need to get people get lost into the presence of God.

We need to see the church move on a higher level. We need the key to unlock the doors of heaven. We are the people to decide and decree a thing.

Your unsaved loved ones will be covered because of you. Because you have put God first place in your life. God will give you victory no matter who comes against you. When His is with you, who can be against you.

When you are righteous, God will take care of you.
We need a powerful spiritual awakening in the move of God. We need the power of God demonstrated in these last days.

You will decide and decree anything and it shall be done.
All you need is the raw faith.

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