Rootcrops for Energy And a Super Food Dates

Hello fellow foodies! Rootcrops are a good source of energy. Rich in vitamin A B & C and essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium .

And today my #fruitsandveggiesmonday image are starchy rootcrops that we usually eat in breakfast along with coffee.

Arrow roots, sweet potato, corn, potatoes


Dates are full of essential vitamins, minerals and energy needed by the body, it's one one the superfood I know.

Eating dates last you long and provides natural sugar in the body.

Thank you very much @lenasveganliving for this wonderful #fruitsandveggiesmonday.


Thanks for using the #naturalmedicine tag, and look forward to more from you. I wonder what vitamins and minerals dates have? It would be good to research and find out, and list them perhaps? This post is making me hungry...

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