Useful idiots - Al-Qaeda! For the younger generation.

in #informationwar6 years ago


CIA funded - & set up gang - Al-Qaeda.

Prove it you say? oh go on then. Even with the help of other useful idiots - the MSM.

Al-Qaeda were formed to break the former USSR. People now think of them as the enemy, though at any given time they are a CIA asset, when it suits a purpose, like now in Syria. Forget what it says on the TV set in the corner, and look at "facts" instead as below.

This use of groups they like to call extremists one day and friends the next, is why nobody in the middle east any longer trusts the USA. I could name tens if not 100's of groups that get used, then hung out to dry when they no longer have a use, in Iraq, to Libya, Syria and beyond.

Sponsored by US and Pakistan.

His power is founded on a personal fortune earned by his family's construction business in Saudi Arabia.

Attacks linked to Bin Laden
1993 World Trade Centre bomb
1996 Killing of 19 US soldiers in Saudi
Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombs
2000 Attack on USS Cole in Yemen
Born in Saudi Arabia to a Yemeni family, Bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

He received security training from the CIA itself, according to Middle Eastern analyst Hazhir Teimourian.

While in Afghanistan, he founded the Maktab al-Khidimat (MAK), which recruited fighters from around the world and imported equipment to aid the Afghan resistance against the Soviet army.

Egyptians, Lebanese, Turks and others - numbering thousands in Bin Laden's estimate - joined their Afghan Muslim brothers in the struggle against an ideology that spurned religion.

Turned against the US

After the Soviet withdrawal, the "Arab Afghans", as Bin Laden's faction came to be called, turned their fire against the US and its allies in the Middle East.

Bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia to work in the family construction business, but was expelled in 1991 because of his anti-government activities there.

He spent the next five years in Sudan until US pressure prompted the Sudanese Government to expel him, whereupon Bin Laden returned to Afghanistan.

Terrorism experts say Bin Laden has been using his millions to fund attacks against the US.

The US State Department calls him "one of the most significant sponsors of Islamic extremist activities in the world today". Source.


Al-Qaeda are not the only useful idiots you see.

In Syria alone, the cost of financing the terrorists (anti government forces is the name given by the USA.) Runs into billions now. 1/2 a billion $ alone went into training a handful of anti government fighters. US spends $500 million in Syria, trains '4 or 5' fighters.

Then there was the endless drops of ammunition to them, let alone the American weapons smuggled in via embassies for these ISIS, Al-Nusra, Al-qaeda and every other group.

So who were the west even bombing then?

To see who was really bombed.

All you have to do is look at any city in Syria, that now lies in ruin, which is all of them apart from where Bashar Al-Assad resides Damascus.

The Turkish role.

The Turkish even resorted to stealing the equipment from the industrial part of Syria, and then trying to sell the machinery back to the Syrian government (machinery was from Aleppo.) Here.

The Saudis role.

The Saudi Arabian involvement in the Syrian War has involved the large-scale supply of weapons and ammunition to various rebel groups in Syria during the Syrian Civil War.

The Financial Times reported in May 2013 that Qatar was becoming a larger provider of arms to the various groups.Since the summer of 2013, Saudi Arabia has emerged as the main group to finance and arm the rebels. Saudi Arabia has financed a large purchase of infantry weapons, such as Yugoslav-made recoilless guns and the M79 Osa, an anti-tank weapon, from Croatia via shipments shuttled through Jordan. The weapons began reaching rebels in December 2012 which allowed rebels' small tactical gains against the Syrian army. This shipment was said to be to counter shipments of weapons from Iran to aid the Syrian government. Source

Also Aleppo was the place that the Saudis were paying factory workers $'s not to work before this war even started, as reported to me by Tom Duggan who is in Syria. they tried to break the economy before resorting to this proxy war in 2009-2010, the war started in 2011 when that plot failed. (A bit like this war has.)

I could write all night about Syria, though maybe I am losing you already, so more another day.


Freedom or bust here, have a superb week.

Images pixabay.


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"Al-Qaeda were formed to break the former USSR."

"The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan"

Pure cahcah, you haven't a clue what your talking about, The U.S. tried to countermeasure the rise of Bin Laden and what became theTaliban in Afghanistan. He was a Saudi Arabian Sunni, actually Wahabbi.

The Russians have been priming that pump since the early fifties, but your to young to know that.

This world of propaganda that the Kremlin has become so good at...this troll factory take-over of ideas in social media. This bullshit that young writers like yourself are placing on line is like a virus...

Do you realize you are the fifth column for a foreign nation at war with the U.S., you want to see the shit fly. You want to see a nuclear war...Keep up you misinformation...after thought. Perhaps you are a troll, cranking out crap for 60,000 rubles a month. Are you?

What broke the back of the USSR is the corruption of Putin and his Mob, he was the KGB head and when the Soviet Union went down, he prospered, as did his cronies.
FSB now runs Russian Intelligence. Who do you think heads that organization?
FSB runs the Russian mob, and what is that?
About 100 Russian oligarchs that are bound and determined to bring America down.

Putin has been around for a long time, he has been in power 19 years, as head of the Russian Federation, of which only four years of it was served as it's prime minister; and 9 years under a drunken Yeltsin as his Prime Minister.
But even then he has called the shots.

Ever hear of a man named Magnitsky...educate yourself.

Putin had him killed seven days before his release, before the truth could come out.
Putin made this poor bean counter, suffer for months without providing medical attention.
Putin is a evil dark cksucker.
Putin aims to be Czar for life, this crazy motherf
ker thinks he is Peter the Great.

The Russians have been priming that pump since the early fifties, but your to young to know that.

I am 53 years old, how old are you?

I can even get you some links off Wikileaks if you want, official documents, and no, I have no dog in this fight, I hate all governments with equal contempt.

Do you trust veterans today even?

or how about this?

Come with facts not fiction bro. And do not even go there with I aint ya bro.

p.s. I dislike Putin equally as all the rest.

Sounds like a job for 007

:-) agreed lol.

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