
in #hacker8 years ago

This article will talk about what you might face if descend employees of the department "to" or FSB. Be sure, if they come, they are likely not to drink tea.

on the verge of ...
Imagine this situation - on the threshold of your home are agents (usually they come to visit early in the morning). at this point, they already have a court order to search, and a criminal case in which you pass the suspect (or even a witness). for example, do you know for sure that, then the first should be to do what is not your favorite grandmother with pies at the door, it's to cover their tracks and did not respond to their calls. but the time you have very little. If the agent is aware that you are at home - they wait for a long time will not, in which case simply knock out the door (coming outfit). therefore, you need to think about 7 times that of the Information (info) is stored on your hard, maybe should write it to other media that is easy to destroy. while these devices is better to keep on hand, it makes no sense to hide - all will find, believe me. if you turn a good time, even in front of the agents do not hesitate to break the wheels and trampled flash.

got inside ...
So either you're lucky, and you have time to destroy all or part of, or blame yourself. In any case, you have got to the house agents. they make cards and read to you a search warrant. then need to turn off all cell phones and away from the computer. further they begin to pace your apartment at home, and ask questions. the first thing they ask: "is there any weapons in the house or drugs?". If neither one nor the other you do not, you can sigh with relief. if there is - you scale out of luck.
now you have nothing to do, you can watch in your home all inverted. search procedure takes place in the presence of witnesses. witnesses may be, for example, students who are in the practice of the same authorities. you withdraw sistemnik, modem, as well as any items that could be used against you in court. first of all this: disks, flash drives, notebooks, sheets of paper (even would get from an urn), magazines. they have the right to remove all that they see fit.

Further search report will be drawn up, ie List seized. I note that this process is very long and you have time to think about the situation. on the protocol, you will need to sign. I recommend this and all other papers, not to put his usual signature. hereinafter this signature can be used in various purposes bad! for example, your possible partner by presenting a false document in which you palite it completely. I think this is clear. so just think about who else could come. a good idea to pre-negotiate a similar situation, but just not uchtesh as this would not be desirable.
after the protocol, the agents ask you to go with them. refuse you can not.

and here you are sitting in the office of the investigator. Now start pressure and it is not like in the movies. beat you will not, but will produce continuous psychological attack on one and group employees. including expect different games like - "good cop, bad cop." I assure you that everyone knows, and you should not pull the time. try to catch your feelings, telling you how cool you are a hacker, and that is excellent for someone hacked, but still they were looking for you for a long time. all that they say, you can safely skip past the ears. remember the simple thing, do not believe a single word, the agent said, and do not say anything. if we decide to say something, then say briefly - "yes" or "no", you need not give the detailed answers.

After the n-th time and trying to knock you out of the recognition, the agents finally read you your rights. Only from that moment begin to work the legal laws. now you legitimately turn on your cell phone and dial the number of a lawyer. you do not know a lawyer? hurry to get very useful.
Fuh ... lawyer comes and you already feel almost free. but be aware that every man (he has a lawyer or not), has the right to refuse to testify under Article 51 of the Criminal Code. the investigator can say so immediately and as soon as he read you your rights. here's what you need to say, "I refuse to testify in accordance with Article 51 of the Criminal Code." and all. what could be easier? then you must temporarily release. but if you have a lawyer, it is better to wait for the course of his coming!

enjoy early. everything has just begun!
while there is a consequence of (poll your neighbors, check your computer, make inquiries about you (school, university, a place where you can stand on the account), as if already they had about you the information (the info), but now she began to take official and all recorded in your criminal case.
it is worth considering who should be warned that happened to you this trouble. and the better you do it before it will make it. Well, and then you will get acquainted with the case, writing complaints, again to meet friends, and in the end, it will give the court at the place of your residence.

Summing up, I want to say this, you can write a lot, but we will try somehow to structure all the above items and paint, that all the same it is best to do and not do.

it is not necessary:

  1. place where whatever their signatures before you have visited the institution and their rights read to you. and if put, it is certainly not his.
  2. to consider, to whom could still come, because if you are caught as a group, according to the above items, and you will be judged as a group that is not better if you have one.
  3. Meet in the office where you have brought. this is from you and waiting! Do not tell them anything until a lawyer arrived.
  4. The important point, you should never rely on the honesty of friends, their teammates, friends and even relatives. various unpleasant things can happen under the pressure of the competent authorities. in this "war" you and only you can help yourself. not even worth so hope to have a lawyer. they are people too and they naturally exist some of his methods of work and cooperation with prosecutors, judges, and even by the same authorities. This is their job.
  5. take any either already withdrawn from you things. they do not belong to you, is not it? otherwise it is virtually proves the fact that the disk with the virus, which is given to you belongs to you.

that should be taken:

  1. Change the phone number. and register the sim card to another. in any case not to call a partner, if any, or anyone else who has anything to do with all this. it is better in person with all with whom consider it necessary to meet and discuss. and generally try in the near future on the investigation to forget about the appearance of the network. If you have caught as a group, according to the above items, it is a minimum (272-274), and you will be judged as a group that is not better if you have one. so this should also be taken into account!
  2. hire a good lawyer. I think freedom is worth more than money. but it is better if it is a proven advocate, a family friend or perhaps a relative. I advise you to find this or you just wasting your money, time and nerves!
  3. Remember that everything that happens in the office, is recorded on video. (It was all fair and square and you could not for example to bribe an investigator or any other person that you have what it blames)
  4. If you call, only to come on the agenda. if you call and ask to come in is the time for them, remember that you can easily score on this matter.
  5. take into account the fact that according to the law, providers (and not only they) are happy to provide law enforcement agencies all the log files for any period.

even if from your computer and from your ip address investigation had shown that there was a violation of the law, it does not say that what you have done, not someone else, such as malware or a virus, which you and I stole all he had done there. do not forget that if you want to end up, regardless of the results returned to you computer, modem, etc., then you need to transfer ownership of all seized at their relatives or friends, who can confirm this. namely, to repeat in that all seized is not yours. and certainly not worth looking forward to the loyalty of agents and their favor to you. their job - to restrict your freedom, that in most cases, so the case.


Thanks for the info ! Good to know.

I was glad to present this information to readers

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