Can Love Be Conditional?

in #life7 years ago

She takes to the page for solace. Self-solidarity. She composes her thoughts in lines as neat as her frown and the creases on her forehead. She breathes sometimes harshly, sometimes easily. It depends on the thoughts behind the words: harsh or easy.

Mostly, they are not easy.


She plunges onward. When the truth is unkind, literature can save her. Compose it yourself, she learned. Twist the story to fit the broken shapes in your heart. Love yourself with words when it feels like the world doesn't love you.

It's not the world, but it is her world. What she means to write is she grew up with a family that has opted out. This path away from her--friends have taken it before, also because of her children. But with her parents, the other family members, this feels different. More hateful. Less forgivable. More important. More . . . unkind.

She reflects on love. Can it be real if it can be paused for the sole purpose of interjecting belief? Is that not love that depends on expectation? Is that not the opposite of the unconditional love promised the little hearts born of this hurting mother's body. The hurting little hearts of her hurting little children who believe they are not loved and, just maybe, they are right.

Can love be conditional?


If that is love, she doesn't want it. She wants the love that works to keep her, that stretches and bends and breaks and reforms. Even when love is terrified. Terrifying. That's the love she wants. The love that is a risk. Not the love that is withdrawn based on love that can be withdrawn i.e. God's love.

There is no mercy in that.

She puts her pen down because all she can think is I hate this it's unfair my poor babies there is no mercy except the strength of the wounded warrior who rises.

She rises. She holds her children close and whispers how she loves them in their ears. Her love is flexible. She is willing to break if need be. She is ready.

images from


True love has no conditions...
Good share...

I agree. It should be freely given or not at all. It does not come with strings and expectation. The lack of conditions or rationale is what makes love love.

Very nice to have posted a lot close to the eyes and I can say it is wonderful

Thank you! That warms my heart. :)

Wow. I've read through this twice now, because it got me right in the feels (as my kids would say). Such a powerful piece!

Your kids say things the best way. Thank you for taking the time to not only read, but re-read. <3

You're very welcome. I'll be sure to tell my kids what you said, next time they groan and roll their eyes when I say "right in the feels." 😀❤️

Bahaha! 😂😂😂

Love always unconditional...well writter. Who is she?? Is it a part of a story?

The main she is me. It is a helpful practice to write myself in third person.

Amazing.... :)

Very beautifully shared. Love that is conditional is not love... but enslavement, manipulation. It is the kind of love we might show to a caged bird. Sing for me, and I'll feed you and love you. Love seems so aptly described by the old adage... "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you... it is yours... if it doesn't... It never was." You are now free... and they don't like it. They need to understand that their behavior has pushed you far enough away that you are not interested in coming back, unless their repulsion goes away. Now is your time to fly.

Your understanding is truly akin to you holding my heart. Thank you.

@shawnamawna I just love how you play with words. They're epic.

Squee! I feel like I leveled up by receiving this comment. What a compliment.

I wrote about this yesterday, what I think is love in order to last for a lifetime, both partners need to put their best and care for each other on a daily basis!

They need to nourish the relationship constantly, otherwise it won’t last.

On my way over to read you! Thank you for stopping in here. :) <3

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