I was able to buy a Valnamor with rental income

That's been my goal, to save up the earnings (which are currently around $2.50 a day) until I get enough to buy a Valnamor until I max that card out. However, now I'm starting to wonder what I might get if I, say, bought a booster pack every day with my earnings. It'd probably be worth it to first get enough DEC for some potions, I suppose.

I'll probably just mix it up. I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants sorta shark.

Starting to get the urge to inquire about those accounts you can play for free if you split the earnings. I could probably make it pretty far up the leaderboard with a max level deck, considering I've done it before without a max level deck. Then, I could be earning Steem from my rentals and DEC from playing with someone else's account. Or maybe there are rules against it if you already have your own cards and rent them out. I could see that being a thing.

I'm off on a tangent now...

Good luck out there!

Oh no! Shark Monsters!

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Posted using SteemPress.


That's cool :) I just hit the $ 0.19 a day today lol.. yesterday it was still $0.05 so not bad.. making progress after having all these cards out there that nobody rented.. should have paid more attention in the rental market earlier (not as the person that rents them only I mean haha)

Hopefully in a while I can say the same as you, that I earn a few bucks a day with it :)

Yeah, it's pretty cool that the market exists. I'm up to something like $2.82 now. That's over $1000 a year! Not bad money for doing nothing at all. Well, I suppose listing them is a little bit of work, but not much. :)

Not bad at all! Weird thing is, that when you wrote this comment, I got a notification for it, but when I clicked on it I couldn't see the comment.. very strange.. But I hope in a while I can say the same (earning a few bucks a day).. And if you invest it in a new pack or saving up for a leg summoner, it will even earn you more as you can rent these out as well...

Where did you get this gif..


Or did you make this?

I don't even remember at this point!

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