Flower bow for girl or pet | By @shanadesign. | #club5050 | 10% beneficiario @draftcrearte.

in Draft Crearte2 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-09 at 5.10.06 PM (3).jpeg

🙋‍♀️Hello to all my beautiful people from. @draftcrearte, I hope you find excellent energy today afternoon.

I am glad to be here once again greeting you, and this time I want to show you a beautiful two-tone bow for girls, it is a super easy idea to make and very economical.


7mm tapes




hair hook


🎀 Step 1

We start by taking a ribbon, in this case, as we have two colors, we take the fuchsia and mark 12 centimeters, then we take the linen-colored ribbon and join it with the fuchsia to cut both without the need to mark them both. We cut three 12-centimeter ribbons of each color.

🎀 Step 2

Once we have the 6 strips of 12. centimeters, we take one by one and we are going to place silicone on one of the ends and then we stick making a circle. Then we place a silicone point inside the circle and we are going to fold it and glue it forming an infinity, we are going to do this process with all the tapes.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-09 at 5.10.08 PM (2).jpeg

🎀 Step 3

In this step we already have the infinities ready, then we are going to peel them, that is, we place silicone in the center of the first infinity and we begin to place the others in the order that we like the most, I placed the fucsias below and the purple ones above and it will be like a kind of flower monkey, super beautiful.

🎀 Step 4

*Now we make use of the pearl, and we take the bow, we place silicone in the center of said bow and then place the pearl that comes in the center of the flower bow.

Then we take the hair clip to put plenty of silicone on it and place it on the back of our bun, in this case, the back is the fuchsia color that was the one that she decided to leave below so that the lilac tone was the front.*

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-09 at 5.10.05 PM (2).jpeg

And so we finished our craft today, this beautiful idea is really fast and very easy to make, it can be used to place it on the girls' hair and even on our pets, it looks beautiful on both.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-09 at 7.24.12 PM (1).jpeg

I hope you liked it a lot and can recreate it at home.

See you soon with new ideas.

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-07 at 8.24.09 PM.jpeg

 2 years ago 

Captura de pantalla 2022-05-09 a la(s) 7.31.22 p. m..png

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You have made a very beautiful bow. I really like it so much. Best of luck dear.

 2 years ago 

La felicito esta muy linda tu creacion.

 2 years ago 

Muy lindo el lazo y con tus pasos muy fácil de realizar.

Que lindo lazo me recordó los que usaba cundo era mas pequeña mi mami siempre me adornaba mi cabello con estos lindos accesorios.

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