SEC-S10W5 | The Patience.

Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

Introduction to the topic


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This is my participation in a contest SEC-S10W5 | Patience organized in Scouts and their Friends by @hive-181136.

In this article I am going to explore the topic of patience. A very much important thing which we should know about. I think all the disturbance in the world is just because of this. People become so aggressive. They lose patient, lose self-control, lose the courage to digest other.

Do you tend to lose your temper easily or do you control yourself all the time?


An honest answer of mine to this question is, I am a short tempered person. I get hyper to much easily. I can't control my anger when someone touch my disturbance zone. It's really hard for me to control myself in such a situation. Honestly speaking I hate this habit of mine. I want to be a peaceful, soft and polite man.

It is not the fact that my anger is always at my nose. I am a kind of joyful boy. Always want to have fun with my friends and my favorite people surrounding me. If I ever show anger on someone in a few minutes I feel guilty. I go and say sorry to that person. As I told you I don't to be a Short tempered person but what I can do. I think it's in my personality because I am too much emotional. You can compare me with girls regarding this issue hahaha. I feel I am too sensitive that's why I show my emotions on the spot.

What despairs or stresses you the most?


The most provoking and irritating thing to me is, when someone abuse me. It irritates me the most if someone use lose words for my Mom or sister or other elders and relatives. It makes my mind a pressure cooker bomb. I get disturb inside.

As I mentioned above that I am a kind of Sensitive person, so all the evils in my society make me despairs and stressed. I am empathetic to the suffering people of the society. During Ramadan I was going to university and I saw labor working there under the naked sun. They were carrying 32 bricks on their back at each trip. They were fasting too. You can imagine how hard is that. I was thinking of them the whole way. It really made me sad. Such things greatly disturb me wheni see them.

How do you avoid losing patience?


The best way of avoid losing patient is drinking water. It makes your body cool, regulate the normal body function and make you feel good. Actually their is a specific Hormones called Testosterone in the body responsible for the expression of anger. When a person drink water it become normal.

Second thing is changing position or leaving that place where you feel you are about to burst out. I try to use these techniques and believe me it work nicely. The other thing is changing or diverting your mind. For example something irritating happens to me at university. I should think about it when I come home. If I start thinking, it will dominate my mind and it will lead me show my anger.

When you lose patience how do you act?


I am very serious, full angry and start shouting. I want to kill my opponent with my voice hahaha. At extreme anger my whole body start shavering, my eyes get red and tearful. I have zero percent capability of doing judgement. This is the most worse state I have in.

Losing patient is not something which we can praise. It is bad at every cost. In our religion it is not consider a good thing. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) is the high example patient. He is a standard for us Muslims, indeed not only Muslims , but for the entire humanity.

What can you advise us regarding patience?


A wise and clever person will always be polite, cool and calm. He will never lose his temperament, will always have control over his own.

For me patient is the best thing one have. We should always show patient at every thick and thin. It will make our life more secure and peaceful. For example if a person kill another person, the killer ruined his own life too. He will not be safe either. So taking any step at anger will always leads you toward destruction and disaster. Better thing is to hold your nerves no matter what.


This is all about my blog for today. I hope I have done just to the topic and you have liked it too. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.

I would like to invite @rme @mrdani12 @mayepariata to participate in this beautiful contest.

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030



(I was thinking of them the whole way. It really made me sad)
Thinking about someone and taking care of each other is what makes us humans.

You are right Kashif brother. Feelings for humanity is very important in life.

Shahid bro you are looking very beautiful ❤️ in picture 🖼️

THANK you fellow. It's the beauty of your eyes.

Shahid bro you are looking very beautiful ❤️ in picture 🖼️

Shahid bro plz tell me how you can give red Color to your work plz tell me and guide me also give your WhatsApp number

  1. My WhatsApp number

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THANK you so much dear friend for your kind support.

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Saludos @shahid2030.

Es cierto que todos tenemos algunas acciones o situaciones que nos cuesta mas tolerar o ser pacientes, por ello es bueno reconocer nuestros limites y evitar llegar a esos extremos, ya que luego nos causa culpa el habernos molestado o perdido la paciencia en algún momento.

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 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Cuando identificamos cuáles son esos límites que tenemos para llegar al nivel de la intolerancia, tenemos un gran camino a nuestro favor porque, de esa manera podemos trabajar para ser pacientes en esos aspectos. Sabemos que no es tan sencillo pero, tampoco es imposible y si lo queremos, podemos lograrlo.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

Huge respect and love dear ♥️. Thanks for your valuable comment.

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