Improving Cybersecurity: Blockchain's impact on digital security.

in Steem Alliance7 days ago (edited)

Steem Alliance

Hello everyone I am @shahariar1 mod of Steem of Animals Community.I am From #Bangladesh

Cybersecurity Presentation.png
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Now it is time to take a closer look at what changes blockchain brings to the sphere of cybersecurity.

1. Enhanced Transactional Security:

Based on the literature, blockchain technology delivers higher levels of transactional security than centralized systems. This is done using encryption technologies, consensus, and distributed approval.

The specifics of a transaction once incorporated on the blockchain are fixed, meaning that it is nearly impossible to manipulate the data.

2. Decentralization andCyberresiliency:
Unlike distributed databases, databases that are centralized are prone to acts of cyber terrorism. If threatened the ability can be brought to question and in turn affect the whole system. While on the other hand, Blockchain, by applying the technology of distributed ledger, does not give in to this propensity.

DLT makes sure that there is no centralization of control because it depends on the decentralization of ledger records. Other nodes do not get compromised even if one participant is targeted in a cyber attack since they are transparent and available.

Blue Modern Cyber Security Video.png

3. Transparency and Trust:
Due to the openness of DLT, it is hard for cyber attackers to taint the block chain through the use of malware or malicious actions.

Nodes within the network retain and replicate the copies of the blockchain, this reduces on the use of conventional go between solution providers.

4. Addressing Endpoint Vulnerabilities:
As for the endpoint vulnerabilities, they are incorporated into layer 2 (off-chain) in DLT. Security levels rise because using cryptographic keys the participants are preselected and granted permissions.

Smart contracts and capability of lightning networks also added the astuteness for scalability and speed.


It is essential to note that with the help of blockchain technology cybersecurity is drastically enhanced, however, it does not exclude other measures. It is critical when creating blockchain-based solutions to think about threats across the layers, and code and environments cannot be compromised by cyber threats.

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Best regards from Shahariar Rana

 7 days ago (edited)
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Note:- Your post quality is not satisfactory, kindly give a more detailed explanation to your post content



Let me know what details you want to know about the content of this post

 4 days ago 

I need you to give a more detailed explanation to your post.

You gave very little explanation to each point you mentioned, that is not quality enough.

Please make a more extensive research, thanks!

Thank you very much for your advice. Well later I will try to explain in detail.

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