Pimp Your Post Thursday Today -- One Year Old

in #pypt6 years ago

Last year on the Thursday after the Canadian Thanksgiving, I did the first Pimp Your Post Thursday show. I was pleasantly surprised how many came to take part. I also quickly learned that time zones were going to be a problem.

The second show was setup to help offset some of the timezone problem. Even though there have been similar shows setup in some of those timezones I’ve continued to run both shows on Thursday. The shows and sometimes the afterchats have become a social time on the platform.

Bring those posts along and let’s share and network. If you come across another Steemian that you like their work, don’t be afraid to share it on PYPT. You can share more than once.
We’ll do a giveaway during the show. You can enter for Steam Basic Income shares but you have to be there to win.

Come and take part, have some fun. Share your posts and meet other great Steemians.


As the result of conversations held on PYPT, last April I started what has become a monthly Witness Chat here on the Ramble. The next one will be held on Saturday, October 20th starting at 11am EDT. ALL Witnesses, regardless of their rank, are invited to attend. It’s an opportunity to meet the community and the community to hear about who you are and what you offer as a witness. So, mark your calendars.

What have you been working on this week? Do you have a great post you want to share?

Bring it along to Pimp Your Post Thursday today at 11am and 7pm.

Come on out and share those great posts at Pimp Your Post Thursday.

Promotion Channel for PYPT Attendees Only

Don’t forget. When you attain the role of PYPT Attendee for attending a session then you can post any of your posts to the #pypt-attendees-post-only channel on the Ramble.

New For those who have started podcasts or are publishing tracks on Choon, there is now a PYPT Attendees channel where you can drop your profile link for either Choon.co or Anchor.fm

I encourage you to regularly check out fellow attendees posts to upvote and/or comment on. Don’t forget to introduce your post as you post it.

Joining the Show

As always you come to the Steemit Ramble Discord to participate and present your post.

PYPT is About Networking and Sharing

Growing your audience on Steemit is partly creating great content and the other part is networking to get to know others and they to know you.

PYPT is an opportunity to network. We’ve had some great sessions so far, come join in.

Get your post ready to go and bring it along to either session. You’ll get a turn to present your post and let others get to know you and the content you create.

Come on over and join in at 11am EDT and/or 7pm EDT

Feel free to hop into the server and the voice chat at anytime to test out your connection or just say hello.

I Can’t Do Voice

Some people are not real comfortable on voice, you can use text if you wish. Some like to just listen in, that is okay too.

If you are going to present your post in text, prepare your comments in advance and be ready to copy/paste them into the text channel when called on.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

The Pimp Your Post Thursday FAQ

What is Pimp Your Post Thursday?

It is an opportunity to share your post on a voice chat with other attendees. You’ll get to present your post, talk about it and let others have a look at it. Your post does need to be in English

Where Will This Chat Take Place?

It will take place on the Steemit Ramble Discord Server in the voice chat channel Pimp Your Post Thursday. Join the voice-chat-text channel for the text to accompany the voice chat.

When Will This Chat Take Place?

Thursdays at 11am EDT & 7:00pm EDT. To convert to your local time. (Right click on the link and open in a separate window to stay in this post).

What Should I Bring?

— Have a link to your favourite post ready for when you’re called on.
— Know what you want to say about the link.

This will let other people know more about you and your blog. Listen carefully to others when they are talking. You want to be heard when you’re talking as well.

If you’ve not used Discord, you can use it in your web browser, on mobile or through the desktop app. Most people seem to find the desktop app works best for them on their computers. You can find it here.

So, come on over, invite your friends and let’s see if we can get to know each other and the content we create.

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile

steemit ramble


Everyone must have posts they take a lot of time to create and share with every once in a while. Thanks for providing them an outlet to do so!

thank you @kevinwong ... we get some great posts shared at the shows.

I do believe thats more fun in this community. Steemit! Thanks to your post friend. Goodlack for the network.

thank you @natz04 stop by and bring a post along .. you'll have fun

Much welcome friend

WOOOOOOOOOT! :D Congrats!!!

thank you @snook

It is so awesome that it has been ONE YEAR! Fantastic job on this wonderful initiative!

thank you @thekittygirl .. and you've been a great help in keeping things on track ..

Shazaam! A whole year? Doesn't seem like it's been that long. Staying power hun :)

always @enginewitty ... I get too stubborn to not have staying power lol

Happy Anniversary PYPT! Congrats on successfully circling the Sun to keep on Pimpin' ;)

thanks @battle and thank you for the great support you give the show.

my pleasure :)

Amazing post. One thing I'm particularly fond of on Steemit is PYPT on Steemit Ramble. Lovely participants, great content and exceptional hosts!

Congratulations, I am out today but wishing the very best and long life to the show as always

thank you @yidneth.. you are missed when you are not there

Aww, thanks for noticing, will be be back as soon as possible

I love PYPT!!! 💞💞💞

Thanks for hosting it. You do such a great job. Here's to another year and more! raises glass

I loved taking part in it @shadowspub and wish you all the best.
I'm having a strict schedule late that made me leave a lot of Steem/side things, but I'm sure I'll be back when I can.

Lots of LEGO love!

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