Splinterlads - A Blockchain related game|| 10% for @tron-fan-club ||

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)


To all my dear Tron Fan Club friends hope you are all doing well. I am also in a good shape by the blessing of Allah.


There are so many blockchain based game around us but today i am going to reviewing a blockchain based game Splinterlands. It a blockchain based game where you can earn cryptocurrency by playing is game. The game is so much fun to play and its concepts are also good. Gamers can be benefited by playing this game. This kind of game will be the future of mordern gaming. This game is not so popular in this day but it has a great potential in near future.


In-game Screenshot


The Splinterlands is a multiplayer collectible trading card game. Its like other cards game. But the main difference is you can be benefited by this game. This game was first build on the steem blockchain. Now its based on Hive blockchain for fast transactions and transparency. By adding this game on blockchain this game become fully transparent and visible and hive have a great market value and demand. So the game have a great chance to be popular day by day. This game is NFT based game. Like other NFT games in the market this game has its own blockchain. This game token also can be convart into Tron, Ethereum and WAX. By having its own blockchain this game have
stability and frequent upgrades to the card treading system.


In-game Screenshot


For playing is game 1st gamers have to visit the website of this game Splinterlands. Then have to register a email address and confirm registration. After completing this process gamers have to set their cards for battle. And the n search for an opponent.


In-game Screenshot


This game cards are design by NFT. In this game if players wants to play with their own collection NFT cards they have to pay 10$ for this. By improving cards level you can reach a better level to compete in any league. There is many kind of cards you have to select which way or tactics you want to apply for playing this game.


In-game Screenshot


By playing this game players will get SPS token, you could also earn DEC They can trade this token with other valuable crypto tokens. Just like hive, Tron,Ethereum and WAX . Players can earn money by playing this game. There are so many ways to earn from this game. For more earning related information you have to discover this game inside. There are so many things crypto related.


In-game Screenshot


So now the moral if the game reward was on TRX it will be more valuable and interesting for the gamers. Gamers could directly got TRX by playing this game. Tron had a great potential in near future. The in game tokens are not so familiar as tron and TRX. If the game was with tron directly and if we could got TRX as in game reward thats could be more profitable for the gamers. TRX have its own market value. So the game could got more popularity. And in game purchases also could be made by TRX. TRX also can be trade with other cryptos. So in future game developers should think about their games in Tron blockchain system. The game could be more beneficial for us if it was directly in Tron blockchain, If we could also buy and sell in game things with TRX that would be more beneficial for the gamers but sorry to say now its related with tron but not with TRX. So in near future game developers should build their game on same blockchain and same blockchain crypto as game reward also .

That's all for today see you guys in my next post in Tron Fan Club. Till then stay safe and be with Tron Fan Club community.

Thanks for reading this post.


Have a great game review. I downloaded the game you reviewed a few days ago. A very fun game.

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