in #news7 years ago (edited)

by SGT, SGT Report.com:

Kim Dotcom has released his official statement about Seth Rich being the DNC Wikileaks information provider. The entire statement can be read HERE: http://kim.com/

Kim Dotcom says, “I KNOW THAT SETH RICH WAS INVOLVED IN THE DNC LEAK,” and Dotcom has announced his willingness to travel to the United States to share his full statement and ALL evidence he possesses in support of his claims.


"I have consulted with my lawyers. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities and I am prepared to do that so that there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process."


If my evidence is required to be given in the United States I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller, on behalf of the United States, of safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back.

We will be following this breaking story closely at SGTreport.com so visit us for REAL NEWS 24/7 and stay tuned for a brand new interview with Bix Weir about this story, tonight.


Ya might want to refrain from using the #steemit tag unless the post specifically relates to Steemit.

Also, Bix has openly called Steemit a scam. You could ask him about that and use the Steemit tag I reckon....

I don't think Bix fully understands Steemit, or Steem. If Steemit is a scam, facebook is an outright theft (of your personal data and meta data that benefits only the deep state and Zuckerberg.) PS - copy that on the steemit tag, I'm still new here.

No worries, I support your work and am very pleased to see you at Steemit...


LOL @majes I see ;) thank you.

Bix didn't call Steemit a scam he just said he doesn't really see the value in it. He respects it as a blogging platform but not really as a store of value crypto currency.

Bix said it was a pump-n-dump

A pump-dump is a scam, perhaps you like Bix need to research what the steem blockchain is capable of.

The whole blockchain community now is concerned with bitcoin transaction fees and times, memes about waiting 2 days for confirmations or paying 10% fees...

Steem Blockchain is built on the fastest most reliable blockchan to date. The fact he doesn't know that shows you should not be listening to him :)

Word: EOS

Ah yes I remember him calling it a pump and dump...I stand corrected. Bix is a smart guy but does throw out wild theories on occasion.

Just because I am defending Bix doesn't mean I agree with him...look at my wallet, I wouldn't have thousands of dollars powered up if I didn't believe in the system.

Bix doesn't research anything concerning blockchain, It appears he goes by whatever is written on ZH.

If he did he would know that by transactions the Bitshares and Steem Blockchains have more transactions per day than all other blockchains combined, all at 3 secs with no fees....

I am not saying dump your bitcoins, I have many. But once the world see's Steem for more than a place to argue, hodl on to your SP !!!!

Keep Steemin...

Bix makes some good points but overall just a goon. Secret trading desk under the treasury my ass.

Outwardly it sounds like good news however do any of us think anything is ever going to be done about these criminal Oligarchs? It seems that whatever evidence is put forward it is shut down by the MSM ,so the fight needs to start by shutting them down. Check out my article
" Don't wanna be an American Idiot" over at @tremendospercy for a way to hit them where it hurts. Upvoted Sean.

Nice advert

tremendo, nice piece, upvoted. I particularly like the reference to Mr. & Mrs. McCain... Zionist scum.

I just don't understand the mentality of then people of Arizona. How can they keep voting for the moron? He's clearly out of his mind. We have awful politician here in Britain however I'm sure even here he would be locked in a rubber room forever. He's probably a paedophile they seem to get lifetime protection and only get outed when they croak. Check out my post "The BBC - The worlds most powerful propaganda machine" @tremendospercy

This is big news, however it remains to be seen if Congress will include his testimony into their fake Russian probe....let's see if Congress does the right thing, albeit I won't be holding my breath

Always something.

yea i have been liking this guys THE REAL TRUE WHISTLEBLOWERS now the fake ass bullshit they wanna push you on!!

Who is Kim.com? and what is his credibility?

edges, Kim Dotcom is extremely intelligent, he has been endlessly harassed by the US government, and yet he says he has evidence that proves Seth Rich was the Wiki-Leaker AND he's willing to cooperate IF ASKED to. Period.

My opinion comes from what happened in the 2014 New Zealand Elections. I saw a Co-op of another Electoral party who's leader was a thorn in the side of the NZ government at the time ( The National Party, who were re-elected).

Dotcom said himself:
“I take full responsibility for this loss tonight, because the brand — the brand Kim Dotcom — was poison for what we were trying to achieve,” he told reporters. “I did not see that before, and it only became apparent to me in the last couple of weeks.” Mr. Dotcom put at least $2.9 million into the Internet Party since May 26, according to Electoral Commission records. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/21/world/asia/new-zealands-ruling-national-party-is-re-elected.html?_r=0

@sgtreport btw thanks for what you do, been following your YT channel for a year or so.. I think your down votes maybe coming from the use of the Steemit tag.

@sgtreport Have you accepted my reply or are you going to defend him again?

As a teenager, Schmitz acquired a reputation in his native Germany after having claimed to have bypassed the security of [[NASA]], [[the Pentagon]] and [[Citibank]] under the name of Kimble

Kim Dotcom is legit. He's been involved with wikileaks and Snowden for a long time.

not sure Snowdens legit yet... wikileaks those guys rock.

kim Dotcom would be the perfect internet rebel (think gamer, extreme sports, give that genre an anti-govt platform, kimmy gets the cash. whoever gets a back door).... am I paranoid?

Yeah, I think he is a little more than "Bread and Circus" He has been around for years, and anyone the U.S. government want to put in jail, is usually not a bad player. They protect bad players.

KimDotcom was running from congress a few years ago....

Heard that it wasn't much, he wants to make a deal with the US GOV, so that means there might not be any justice.......so a nothingburger for the time being

STG Guys, this is !!! URGENT !!! WARNING !!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!
Please get this video translated ASAP, new global planning till 2050 !!!
SWISS - already getting getting rid of ALL nuclear power plants.
Bacterial transmutation, specifically involving nuclear disposals into gold !!!
Tons of Real Gold from snails shit....

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