Travellin' Workaday Blues (An Original Poem)

in #poetry8 years ago

Woke up early, out the door
To catch a bus to go to work
Grab a coffee and a muffin
It’s not much but it’s better than nothin’
It takes the edge off my hunger pangs
As I wade through consumer gangs
Hypnotized herded like sheep
To the coffee behemoth just down the street
Can’t say much I’m one of them
Stand on the corner the road is hummin’
Where’s my bus when is it coming?

The door opens I pay my fare
It costs nine dollars to get me there
Towards the back I take my seat
Lean the seat back put up my feet
Let my mind drift away
To thoughts of you and Cassius Clay
He’s screaming at me WHAT’S MY NAME!
And landing punches onto my brain
I fall unconscious to the canvas
Suddenly I’m on the train

The train is full but deathly quiet
‘Cept one guy talkin’ bout a riot
The zombies eyes locked on their phones
Train full of people but we’re all alone
Every last one self-absorbed
Unaware about their world
I swear that I could be decapitated
No-one would help they’d just Instagram it
In search of shares, comments and likes
That’s how they measure their lives
I look out the window and think of you
What are you doing and where are you
Do you miss me like I miss you
Well maybe you do

Off the train and underground
Subway stops with a screeching sound
Off the train at College station
Five minute walk to my destination
On the sidewalk I pass by
Businessman in a suit and tie
Teenaged girl and a homeless guy
Looks like he’s about to die
Let’s not kid ourselves we’re all dying
Working at giving life some purpose
Good God it’s hot, it’s like a furnace
Now I’m at my job it’s pretty quiet
I complete my work on auto-pilot
I am leaving it’s time to go
Out the door to head back home

On the way home the trip is fine
The weight of the wait crushes my spine
What’s the hurry what’s the rush
Just relax it’s all too much
Have to see my son after school
As motivations go it’s pretty damn cool
Get off the bus grab another coffee
Give Tim Horton’s more of my money
I know what I said about them above
Don’t judge me show me some love
I know I’m just part of the machine
Making someone else rich instead of me
My day is done I’ve paid my dues
I’ve lived my Travellin’ Workaday Blues

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