Who is a spiritual Guru? Why do we need a spiritual Guru? Why should we bow before Sadguru?

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Who is a spiritual Guru?

A Self-realized Sadguru is the form of the Self (atma). He lives within you. The word ‘Guru’ is very special. ‘Gu’ means our sins and karmas. ‘Ru’ refers to their destruction. Guru purifies the person who has sought shelter and makes him complete by destroying his sins and blessing him with Self-knowledge. Obtaining Self-knowledge results in ultimate bliss.

Guru plays a very special role in our life. He removes our ignorance and destroys our ego. He is that family member who unhesitatingly shows us what pure love is. He is like a mirror. The mirror can have no merit or sin (punya-pāpa). It merely reflects our actions. It is the same with the Guru. We get from Him whatever we give Him. That is why we should increase our bhakti and love towards Him. He will return the same to us in greater levels.

Why do we need a spiritual Guru?

‘Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnuh, Gurur-devo Maheshwara’- means the entire essence of Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Trinity) exist within the spiritual Guru (Sadguru)! In other words, the energy of creation, sustenance and destruction exist in Him. Such Self-realized Guru destroys the sins of the people who take shelter in Him and leads them towards liberation (moksha). He helps them get rid of their bondages and attachments. Slowly directing their interest towards the Supreme Lord, He ensures that they finally attain the ultimate bliss (Sacchidānanda). For these reasons everyone should follow a Spiritual Guru.

Why should we bow before a Sadguru?

Many believe that by prostrating before Swamiji they have done Him a favour! If someone were to tell Swamiji, “I did not offer obeisance to you” then heart of heart I will be relieved. Because for every prostration offered, Swamiji has to give one blessing in return to that person!

Swamiji does not bless casually, “May you live long happily with your children and grandchildren.” These are the ordinary blessings that elders, parents and ordinary worldly Gurus shower when someone prostrates before them. But blessings showered by Swamiji will be totally different. They are deep blessings filled with immense significance. You have no idea of the blessings He showers. Such is the significance behind offering obeisance (namaskara) to Him.

At times Swamiji announces, “Do not offer namaskara now.” This is because Swamiji is too busy at that minute to accept your prostrations. You may wonder, “What is this? Why does He make such a fuss? I will go to some corner and offer obeisance.” But it is easier said than done. It is not so easy to offer obeisance to Him. Offering obeisance may seem easy to you, but in His eyes it is not so simple. For one namaskara you offer, Swamiji has to take on one additional responsibility of yours!

Devotees are perplexed when people seated next to them do not even bother to prostrate before Swamiji. Why do you worry? Just remain quiet. This is because if that person whole-heartedly prostrates before me, I will have to take on one responsibility of theirs. If he does not, then I am free. I am happy. It ends with it.

If a person refuses to offer obeisance due to his excessive ego, then his question remains unanswered forever. It will never get resolved in this birth. On the other hand, if the person Self-surrenders completely, then his question will get resolved. This is undeniable truth.

One should never Self-surrender to God, with ego. Yet, at the same time, Self-surrender should never be done out of ignorance (ajnana). It should not be done out of coercion or as pretence. Self-surrender should be done with full ripened wisdom (buddhi). Only then doubts get resolved in entirety. Hence one should observe great caution in this matter.


Om Sree Ganapathy Sachchidananda Sadgurubhyom Namaha !!!

Shivaya Rudraya Namaha

JGD Om namo Narayanaya

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