#Introduceyourself: I’m going to tell you about how I started using Steemit and the benefits it has.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello! I’m Sergey! I’m going to tell you about how I started using Steemit and the benefits it has.

I’ve learned that it’s a custom to introduce yourself on Steemit and after a month I’m ready to do it... :-)

My name’s Sergey. I’m 42 years old and I come from Ukraine. I was introduced to the amazing world of Steemit by @grildrig and I’d like to thank him for it. He is my old college friend and has already achieved some success on Steemit. He and his friends @dolov, @yetaras, @shady and other are being very supportive of what I’m doing.

It’s been a month since I started using Steemit for various purposes. I’ve been posting my photos on different topics, writing stories about my trips and hikes, trying to tell about certain problems and even sharing my drawings!


I was willing to share everything I have in store right away (and I have a lot of interesting stories…) Anyway, I also wanted to take part in contests, see and score the things others were making. I noticed I was growing addicted to Steemit, falling head over heels in love with it. I was staying up until 2 a.m., even though I had to get up at 7:30...

I understood I couldn’t quit it whatsoever. It’s a great opportunity to find new friends, share some beautiful moments and, perhaps, even to motivate somebody to act.
I’ve made a lot of friends here and met a great many of outstanding people. I have found some real artists and photo artists.

I was invited to join a Ukrainian-Belarusian community started by @inna-yatsuk, @sokoloffa, @assasin, @artem-sokoloff, @cranium and @molarity. It was very helpful and I received answers to lots of my questions. At our discord (https://discord.gg/zhng5p) you can chat and make friends. A special thank you goes to @cranium and @inna-yatsuk! They’ve always been there for me and ready to give a useful tip or comment.

I’m not really into talking about myself but I’ve got to say a couple of words.

I started working right after I graduated from university. All this time I’ve been working with computers, networks and IT in general. For a long time, I was working as a manager of a local communication centre at one of the biggest Ukrainian Internet providers (the company is having hard times now). I’m currently working as a manager of a small corporative network and do software repairs. I might write in more detail about my job in the upcoming posts, but now I’d like to elaborate on my hobbies.

I enjoy hiking and cycling trips! They give me a chance to feel absolutely free. During my hikes (especially when I’m alone) I can obtain touch with nature. I get connected with it for a few days and become its part! Only on my trips can I completely forget all trials and tribulations! I feel good and want to share these feelings with everyone. I guess that’s the reason why my posts are going to feature mostly nature, mountains, beautiful landscapes and hiking stories.

I’m also going to bring up the topic of environment, the barbarian cutting down of trees and animal protection.

I want to popularize Ukrainian Carpathians, hiking and healthy lifestyle. Going on hikes regularly is enough in terms of physical exercise and a great way to keep mental peace.


As to money… Do I want to make money? Of course, I do! Like any other beginner, I used to have admission problems (bandwidth) – I wasn’t able to either post, or score or comment… Shortly saying, to do nothing. It had been going on for a couple of days. I was sick and tired of waiting for a chance to use Steemit again. The “bandwidth” depends directly on the Steem Power. I want to increase my SP to be able to post, comment and score other people’s work without limits.

I liked this platform a lot and would like to invest in it!


What benefits does Steemit give me?
Steemit gives me freedom and independence! Nobody has the right to put limits on what I do! If I start talking about cutting down and exporting of wood from Ukrainian Carpathians, nobody will be able to delete my post. My work can be seen by everyone at once. Anybody can be a critic here.

And as a nice bonus, you can make money! It’s not just about income, though. It’s about motivation. If your post gets good score, you’ll get a good motivation to carry on writing. However, if your content is not interesting, your post goes “down”. This is how the quality of content is done.

It’s time to be free and express ideas freely! It’s Steemit time!


Чудове представлення! Я теж із стіміт-залежних)) Стіміт класний тим, що дає звернути увагу на свої інтереси та думки, а також дає можливість висловитись. Плюс, цікаво бачити, які є класні люди довкола нас; дізналась для себе багато нового!

Спасибі за коментар! Повністю з вами згоден!

Молодец, Серёга! Так держать! Сразу видно старание, рвение и успехи. А взаимная поддержка это наша сила, в этом и смысл Steemit!

Спасибо, друг! Я еще долго буду тебя вспоминать и не только по поводу Steemita!

Великолепная статья. Видно, что за месяц Вы многому научились. Я уверен, что Вас ждет прекрасное будущее на Steem. Resteem

Спасибо! Вы мне сильно помогаете советами и подбадриваете комментариями!

Ну Сергію, не знаю чи то завдяки Вашому хобі чи то генам, але виглядаєте на 32. ) Раді, що приєднались до "стіміанської родини", впевнена і тут ви досягнете вершини.

Дуже вдячний за комплімент і допомогу. У такій дружній родині - це буде ... якщо не легко то цікаво! ;-)

Привіт Сергій! Я рада познайомитись! Тут справді зібрались прогресивні свободолюбні люди, які я вірю змінять Україну до кращого! Я теж дуже люблю походи і велосипедні подорожі! Успіхів вам!

Дякую! Поки я не бачив реакції на проблеми навколишнього середовища. Хоча я піднімав питання навіть в першому своєму пості. Але, треба спочатку знайти аудиторію по-більше, а потім піднімати. Подивимось...
Я дуже радий, що знайшов друга, який любить походи! Це чудово! :-)

Вау! Молодчинка вы! Такая красивая ваша фотография на фоне природы. Вы так быстро учитесь, что скоро нас будете учить и давать хорошие советы!)))) Благодарю вас, что присоединились к нашему сообществу, вместе веселей)))) Рестимчик.

Спасибо вам за все! За советы, за конкурсы, за "полезняшки", за апвойты и рестимы. Вы мне стали настоящим другом! :-)

Я очень рада этому))Никогда не думала, что у меня тут будут такие друзья, как наша веселая компания))

Waooow i enjoyed every bit of this .good job and steem on!!

Thank you so much! I thought it would not be interesting to anyone ... ;-)

That is the good thing about steemit, no censorship

This is what distinguishes Steemit from other social networks. Thank you!

Also Youtube, they are demonetizing videos. those YouTubers can make up for the lost money here

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