STEEMIT BLOGGER CENTRAL is now LIVE!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I am diving in now STEEMIT COMMUNITY

Today we have launched STEEMIT BLOGGER CENTRAL on Facebook ( and everyone here in the STEEMIT Community is invited to come by and check it out.

The concept is simple, we have an open door policy about sharing all of your work and articles here on STEEMIT and will do what we can to push it to the masses over on Facebook for you. I firmly believe in this community so I decided to take my past social media managing skills and try to work the crowds over in Facebook in hopes of a little help to get some mass adoption over here where I can.

Simply message our team at the Facebook page for Steemit Bloggers Central if you would like us to host your article directly on our page as a featured post. We will provide some insight and market your articles for you, in hopes you will get a few more followers and upvotes to make ends meet. We will do all the leg work to get our following going for the page itself which I believe can grow and may help everyone out if done right. I post in a lot of groups as it is and have some contacts so I will do this on a full time basis in hopes we can somehow help all of you here that have already helped me a lot already.

I also have plans to write up more user friendly Steemit related tutorials and do what I can to drive in more traffic with that. I have done this for a long time already and have a knack for social media managing so lets hope I can continue to be somewhat effective in this area.

So whats the catch??

There is none, well it would be cool if you follow me @sflaherty and support me on the endeavor I plan to kick in here but I don't require anything from you. Just LIKE the page and shoot us a message now and then if you like us to host your stuff. I am seriously only doing this out of love for Steemit and the urge to teach people about how crypto can benefit their lives, have a feeling Steemit will make that much easier.

All the best, wish me luck because there is a lot of work ahead on this one,


Like the new page @

Follow me on Steemit @sflaherty


Cool deal, just liked the group from my FB page, Mitchell J

Really appreciate the support...and I will try to hook you up with some posts to point people to your work. Figured this could be a proactive way for me to help the community in my spare time and educate a few non crypto types about the potential to hop on the STEEMIT train. Very thankful for your LIKE

Yeah, I'm slowly introducing my FB friends to crypto and then steemit. It's a win for everyone the more people we bring in.

I am doing the same, slowly but surely lol. Seems Steemit is the wise easy choice to do this, they know how to be on a social site, why not get paid and there is a wealth of info on how to turn it all to cash here, so I been pushing it a bit this week...figure I need to get the horde behind me so I can build even myself up lol.

Great idea and thanks for the time/effort that you're putting into this venture for it will enrich us all. All the best!

Personally I am not much of a fan of Facebook myself lately lol but I figure that is where the mainstream crowd is so might as well use it to our advantage while its still around. Hopefully more of us link up on my page and I can spread the word about users here and also educate non users on the greatness that awaits for them here on STEEMIT, lots of work to do but I will do what I can

No same here, in fact I'll be loading a Facebook poem in the next couple of days lol but I certainly understand your reasoning. Turn the tables and use Facebook as a commodity as opposed to them mining our personal information for monetary gain!

I seriously wish MySpace survived the least they were up front about the need to use ads to generate income but still let users tweak their own pages and code back in the day. Soon as the Facebook hit the streets I could see the way the man Mark there was that he was up to no good lol. The man is just about info taking and using our content to line his pockets. That is why I love Steemit, the guys behind this truly want to spread the wealth, they see yes they can bank but allowing all of us with them to do so and it should have always been the way. Now I do have one issue with Myspace, I was in a band years ago and used their music service, I wanted to delete that account but to this day it still lingers and they use my music to this day to generate income, that turned out to be a bad idea lol. Hopefully here we can secure our projects and always hold the key to them

Yes everyone needs to make money and I've absolutely no problem with that. Like yourself, I just think facebook is becoming underhand about the whole process. With the intended mass migration of personal websites towards facebook and you can start to see the how both google and facebook intend to take over as much of the webspace as possible. Then you start to bring in the new algorithms to censor web searches and dissenting voices and you can start to see the direction it's all going in, I don't really want to live in a world according to Mark Zuckerberg lol Cool on that band front though, what were you called?

I had a solo metal project called PROFIT MASSACRES BEAUTY in the old myspace days. Mainly instrumentals I did by myself...I recorded everything alone as a kind of hardcore Nine Inch Nails meets Dillinger Escape Plan like style lol...weird combination but did okay back then. Since then I have renamed it to KILL MOMENT IN FRAME but as life gets its been on the back burner till I get a little more ahead in the finances but still plan to regroup and rerecord once find the peace and time to get back to it. Facebook man I will tell it to you like this, not but probably 4 weeks ago I tried to upload an old song I self recorded and it tried to flag my own work as someone elses. Of course it let you push it through but it hit me how hardcore that system is getting about censorship. I think it flagged it for a rhythm I used or a synth or something but all the music was self played so have no clue why it flagged it. Come back 2 days later and my video was gone. Now luckily I save all my stuff on hard drives and backups but what if I put that up there in belief it was safe and they pulled that and I was out 12 hours of work on that song? Man I would have been pissed. That is when I realized they are about to ramp up to some serious censorship with no real basis. I think what we have here is Zuckerberg becoming so rich the government has turned him into a lap dog/watch dog of the internet because he is a hub now a days and in turn they are pushing on users to stop us from having a voice. I suspect at some stage Facebook will down share any STEEMIT related posts, they are known to do this with any competition so the reasoning I am on it so swiftly is to get the word out before they start their usual games. Hopefully its effective...going to make this a full time gig while the option is still around

Everyone needs to bare with me, I tend to write novels even in comments when its something I am passionate about lol.

Just joined on FB.
You have amazing commitment, hats of to you :)

awesome, more backing I can get the easier this will be to help. I really do hope to find the right guys and maybe strike out to a full fledged self sufficient website for the community to gather resources and grow as an offshoot to this here. I dream big a lot lol

I think it's the right strategy for the time being, as you have said most FB users are not ready to completely leave FB regardless of how much it sucks :)
Only way to dream bro :D

I do sense a side that many just don't realize there is better options. Its the scenario of the old fear of change thing going on, comfortable brainwashing they got stuck on...see it in personal friends. Its like this, I am not a rich guy, had a lot of personal struggles in life and finally grew up and broke free of them. So I find Crypto a year back and been hard into it since. I went from pinching pennies till still from time to time doing that but nice in between moments of financial rises thanks to Crypto as well. So I show these moments to my friends, try to get them to realize their is other options to provide for their families but they seem to act scared of the change of learning this thing lol. Its going to take some work to break those chains on people to realize the system in place is actually the bad system and this side here is growing towards a positive advancement but if we just keep trying to waken them up, then we done our jobs and benefited others in turn

Yeah I totally agree with you. So I see it as a gradual process that needs to happen, and people who are scared of taking their first steps in to this new crypto world needs to be lead by frontiersmen like you (and perhaps me as well). I will certainly be spreading the word to everyone who are willing to listen :)

Best avenue I see with non crypto people...just let them get in and try it out, bring up the earnings side because a lot of people are in need and blog for free virtually on these sites so that is a catch all aspect. Once they get in I have a feeling the wealth of crypto knowledge here will help them but I suspect on the FB side I will have to hold a few classes now and then lol. I really appreciate you spreading the word, hoping this grows and becomes just another tool to help the community grow

Every spark becomes a flame becomes a fire becomes an unstoppable conflagration as your movement one day will. Love your idea and your plan to utilize facebook like a Trojan horse to spread the message inside their crooked system of censorship and exploiting people by benefitting from their content. I think, in the end, Zuckerberg will get what he deserves, because life works in energy cycles, everything that goes around comes around and stealing an idea for getting rich doesn't really mean good Karma. Keep on your good work @sflaherty, appreciate it a lot and maybe today I will use for the first time one of the images you posted recently. Harsh times; musician; loving cryptos; spreading the word... - sounds very familiar to me!

I really appreciate you getting the angle I am coming from. I find it so funny the reach of wrong doing Zuckerberg has created in his own life, theft of an idea and not even human enough to give credit where its due, down to even poor old Myspace being a true pioneer in this area but they have been rewritten in history as a wayside avenue of social media, not that they are any better but at least up front about generating revenue through ads lol. In the end though what Zuckerberg has created is another government in social media and we are at a time now the common man has had plenty enough of the negativity of these types of systems and now ready to rise peacefully to correct the wrongs. I just know with marketing we have to ride into the den of fools in these areas to awaken people so I feel to be effective for my own endeavor here and everyone in this community a few of us will have to ride into the old FB and do some work through it. I think its a torch I can try to carry for us, hopefully be effective but will need the support from the community to rise those numbers so new users see the fire and passion in the Steemit community. Thanks for the support, I will do all i can from here on out and hopefully do some good with it

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