INTERPOL Begins Policing Cryptocurrencies Used in the Darkweb for Illegal Activities

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Cybercriminals on the Darkweb gave Crypto a bad Rep

It has begun, the war on cybercrime has hit international levels and cryptocurrency usage will be watched more closely on the Darkweb due to the constant illegal transactions going on. A group of 15 law enforcement members from seven European countries have decided a go ahead to work together to begin tactics to stop the activities on the Darkweb by usage of Blockchain technologies to hide their financial movements.

The groups consist of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Coblue Cybersecurity (Netherlands), Countercraft S.L. (Spain), Universität Innsbruck (Austria), INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), the National Bureau of Investigation (Finland), University College London (UK) and VICOMTECH-IK4 (Spain). Right now they only want to target dark market users at this stage. The plan is to come up with a way to stop the use of blockchain technology to avoid law detection by evading traditional investigative measures. They have stated to keep the privacy rights of those using it for legitimate purposes and not with plans to focus on those types of users in the good with the law.

Ransomware and Terrorism are the biggest factors

Due to the insurgence of terror acts in Europe and the constant flow of ransomware for Bitcoin attacks, the group has initiated this tightening of force by joining together in hopes to stop these types of groups from using the Darkweb and cryptocurrency as an avenue to avoid detection. Some of these groups have laid blame on crypto developers for creating "Ponzi scheme" coins that are half completed and dumping them on the Darkweb markets but no such developer is truly such a cause in my personal opinion.

One developer said "This is just a sign of the times, the system is looking to blame everyone for their short was only a matter of time they singled us out" That developer wanted to remain anonymous due to the current situation which I can't blame them.

How far can this go?

I never trust police forces of this caliber to be directed at what they say publicly. Sure they want to probably smash the Darkweb up and its been a bane to the cryptocurrency movement as well but I think we should be vigilant to be sure they aren't going to attack legal usage citizens in the future. There seems to be a rise in the systems movement against the cryptocurrency market, so hopefully this isn't a step forward to stirring issues against crypto in general.

Keep a watchful eye on big brother, they are watching your Bitcoins now


Follow me @sflaherty


I hope they do. Of course, they will most certainly overreach into innocent civilians. They should simultaneously pass a law that states that any information used in any way of an innocent civilian should be punishable by 10 years of prison with no possibility of parole.

I agree, they should impose that because I know they will get into our stuff too even if you do follow the laws. Something about this seems like a side way in for European law enforcement, I am in America but I am sure they are working on the same thing here. People forget the coins you hold have most likely passed through the Darkweb and will end up back there at some stage so that alone give law enforcement intrusion rights if they do end up pulling this so most likely they will want your info at some stage, if to just find out a past history and where you got your coins. Its beginning, the war on crypto is here, darkweb I get, that is no good for anyone at this stage but I have a feeling they are coming our way too

I have no problem with them chasing down bad guys, in fact, I promote it. In doing so, they will necessarily likely come across activities of innocent citizens. That is not a problem. But, it is if they use that information in any way whatsoever. That is a big, big problem that needs to be guarded against. It needs to be such a sacred issue that even telling someone that you saw that X has Y amount of ___coins, would be punishable under the law to the maximum extent.

Agreed, the stuff going on in the darkweb is honestly beyond criminal, such evil acts on kids, pushing of terrorism, just goes on and on in there and they need to rid the world of that. I am for taking care of the bad guys but they need to do it by protecting the rights of innocent people. Sadly though I have a feeling people will also need to be proactive to keep them in check as well...there has been a lot of illegal moves on crypto by governments already and I hope this union forming isn't isn't going to forget the good people have privacy rights.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard any government officials in America talk about the right to privacy in some years; just ask any camera on every street corner which by the way also has a very high powered microphone. I think the same type of law should apply to those instances as well. I don't necessarily have any issues with being monitored. I don't like it, but I understand the need for broad investigation these days. It's just the improper use of that information that needs to be severely punishable. There would be some very embarrassing information there as I am sure we all do some pretty silly things in private that aren't bad, just pretty embarrassing. Like for example, dance or sing like a fool when your favorite song comes up when you are alone. Some people pick their noses, and do other things with what they excavated from there.

I agree lol...monitoring for use in investigations is understandable but the tapping of our devices 24/7 in our homes is a bit much and yet my American government probably has at least 2 ways into your own private home at this stage. Do they use it all the time, probably not but makes me uneasy about it lol. Laws on citizens should be equal on the officials...then we are equal and all accountable

I'm sure you are aware that they can tap into your smart TV right there in your bedroom. That's no fun. Not sure I would have an echo dot monitoring every word spoken in my house either.

Yea, every since that samsung fiasco I been very skeptical of my tablet lol

thanks for sharing

governments are always looking to control information.. the web is the last freedom in information... there will always be crooks.. however there is more good being done..

I agree, I think if they can stop this darkweb stuff and leave the good people using crypto alone then we may have a fighting chance to get this mainstream, got to get that stigma off our backs bad of the criminal element as the only users of crypto

You are right.. some spoil it for everyone else

Its just human nature but maybe with some positive reinforcement we can get less and less of these evils in the world. I just hate the fact cryptocurrency gets the stigma as a criminals form of money, so many good people using it for the benefit of their families. Hopefully it won't become a crackdown on the people using it in the right manner

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