Coinmarketcap 16/08/2020

in #marketcap4 years ago

Buenas Noches mis lectores gracias a Dios hemos terminado una semana mas de vida, espero hallan podido pasar tiempo necesario con la familia en este dia de descanso y cargar las baterias para iniciar una semana de manera positiva.

Good Night my readers, thank God we have finished one more week of life, I hope you were able to spend some time with your family on this day of rest and charge your batteries to start a week in a positive way.

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El día de hoy mercado mantiene ritmo y por quinto dia consecutivo se genera un incremento algo minimo pero todo suma hoy ha sido "0.22%", tambien podemos decir que a nivel general la semana tambien ha sido positiva porque se obtuvo un aumento de 2.43% en comparacion al cierre del domingo pasado.

Today's market keeps pace and for the fifth consecutive day there is a slight increase but everything adds up today has been "0.22%", we can also say that overall the week has also been positive because it obtained an increase of 2.43% compared to the end of last Sunday.

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Hoy es un día positivo 👍 a pesar de que se ve mas negativo que positivo el dia las pocas monedas que lograron incrementos ayudaron a que mercado cerrara en positivo.
Today is a positive day 👍 although it looks more negative than positive on the day the few currencies that achieved increases helped the market close in positive.


Colors of the Market

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No puedo darte una fórmula segura para el éxito, pero puedo darte una fórmula segura para el fracaso: Intenta complacer a todos, todo el tiempo. Herbert Bayard Swope.

I can't give you a sure formula for success, but I can give you a sure formula for failure: Try to please everyone, all the time. Herbert Bayard Swope.

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Designs Made to: sevillaespino

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64222.70
ETH 2651.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77