Yada - Yada - Yada... Fake News - Schmake News...

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The "Left-Stream Media" is in a tizzy over the alleged recent proliferation of Fake News, including its alleged negative impact on Hillary Clinton's presidential election campaign.

Hey, I've got some Breaking News for the Fake News phobic crowd: Rumors, allegations, innuendos, gossip, little white lies, big fat whoppers and outright propaganda have been around since shortly after mankind first learned to communicate tens of thousands of years ago.

Funny isn't it that Fake News is all of a sudden a national crisis, even leading some to call for restrictions on the free exercise of the First Amendment's free speech.

Indeed, the current national narrative about Fake News is being driven as much by the very real "Alt-Left" as by the "Alt-Right." No less than president Barrack Obama and Mrs. Clinton have recently been bloviating about the evils of Fake News.

(I dare you to look into her eyes for the entire 1:07 of the audio clip. I dare you!)

The Leftists are desperately searching for some kind of rationalization for Mrs. Clinton's allegedly shocking election loss. No, it couldn't be that Mrs. Clinton was a horrible candidate and a terrible campaigner with a very much out-of-touch Leftist agenda, could it?

No, it's got to be all that Fake News.

Never mind the blatantly Fake News peddled by Obama, Clinton and Susan Rice over the irrelevant Islamic video as the cause of the Benghazi tragedy.

Never mind the blatantly Fake News promulgated by The New York Times and its brethren that years ago Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana had accused him of spousal rape.

Never mind the daily drumbeat of exaggerations and irrelevancies spewed as "real news" by MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and the rest.

Never mind the brilliant "we must do a recount" strategy of Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein to fake out the Fake Media and gain ten times the TV face time she had received during the actual campaign.

Never mind the entire blatantly false "Hands up, don't shoot!" narrative from Ferguson, Missouri - it never happened.

I could go on and on, but never mind. I gotta go, it's time for the Kim Kardashian Show!


the enemy media is concerned about who CONTROLS the news.
they don't like it when they are called out for faking the news.
Dan Rather and Brian williams, not to mention WaPo and HuffinPuff, for example.

Well done. :)

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