Oree was not really to stay in

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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Better to take away

Had a little bit of time to kill before I get on my train to go and visit my best friend for a great weekend. It have been a while since I have seen him and spent some time together. So I have decided to look for a new place around the station to get some work done while waiting for the train time and also I could try a new and different place I have never been before.

Here I am in Leicester Square/Convent Garden area and there are so many choices of places to stop.

While walking around I have seen Oree and I have never heard of this place before. They had empty tables inside so it looked like the ideal place to stop, grab a coffee and get some work done.

It looks really nice from the outside
It looks really nice from the outside

When you enter the place your eyes will straight away look at this offers and I have to say that even if you just had food and you are not hungry, it looks very tempting. All they had in the bar looked really fresh and delicious.

The food is just by the door and looks very fresh
The food is just by the door and looks very fresh

A lot of great choices
A lot of great choices 

It was kind of early morning, at least for me, so all that I wanted was a coffee to wake me up and get me going. So I could organise and schedule some work for the weekend, since I have decided to take it off and be offline the whole time.

The sitting area inside was pretty big and had a lot of places for people to sit. But personally when I go inside and looked at that area I actually thought it was a little bit sad, not as cosy and it looked from the outside.

The vibes that I got from this Oree after being there for a little bit having my coffee and getting some work done were more the vibes of this being a place where people come on the go and do not stay in.

So I have to say that the atmosphere inside was not the best if you are looking for a warm and nice place to spend some time.

Quite a lot of space if you want to stay in
Quite a lot of space if you want to stay in

To corroborate the fact that I feel this is more of a takeaway kind of place, there were no mugs, all the hot drinks are served in takeaway cups. I don't mind with it.

Only take away cups
Only take away cups

But in case you want to have a sit outside this is definitely a good option, because there is no car traffic in this street, it is not too busy and you can enjoy your coffee outside and see the locals and all the tourists walking around and enjoying this nice area.

You have some tables outside if you prefer
You have some tables outside if you prefer

Let's talk coffee wise, so when I was getting ready to add my sugar I looked at the coffee and I was happy to see that actually looked great and foamy. The problem was when I had my first sip. I can tell you, that the coffee looked better than it tasted like. It was actually very watery and the coffee flavour was barely there.

I wouldn't stop here again to grab another coffee.

Sometimes appearances are just illusive
Sometimes appearances are just illusive

Working on a new post
Working on a new post

I end up staying here until it was almost time to go to the station and get on my train to visit my best friend but not before I went to Pret-a-manger to grab another coffee. Because even after I drank this one I was feeling that I really needed to grab a little bit more of caffeine and I was still feeling that I needed that coffee flavour I didn't got with this one.

It really pains me to say but I wouldn't stop in Oree again.

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