Chilling on a Sunny day - FOLKESTONE

Get that SPF out

Sun is out and so everyone else. Well at least the majority of the times. This was from a day before this wild heatwave we been going through here in the UK. The temperature was probably around some amazing 26 C, believe me when I say that here in the UK if the sun is out and it is that temperature we are already frying.

But since I by the Sea there was a fresh breeze flowing now and then and that's why you can see everyone here enjoying some live music with a cold refreshing drink and some sweets and ice cream.

Folkestone it is usually a very quiet place when I visit but I guess in the summer time that is a little bit different and the city just come back to life with multiple events happening all over.

Remember to enjoy the sunny days but use SPF and also drink water, stay hydrated.

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There are more cool and awesome photos to come! Keep your eyes open.

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